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< Saturday >

{ Calum }

Today's the last day Landyn and Maddie would be with us. They fly out as soon as we get to Minneapolis in the morning. I'm going to be pretty sad when they go.

The girls all went out to explore Chicago. Landyn didn't want to go so he stayed behind with us guys.

I was laying on my stomach on the couch in the dressing room while Landyn sat on the chair, playing on Michael's Nintendo Switch. Luke, Ashton, and Michael had gone out to grab us lunch, so it was just Landyn and me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Landyn get up and lay the Switch on the table. He then ran at me, jumping on my back,

"Mph" I groaned, "What are you doing dude?"

"Just laying here" he giggled, his arms wrapping around my neck. I smiled and pulled my phone up, taking a cute selfie of the two of us. I hardly have any pictures with Landyn- the ones I have are me, Landyn, and Maddie. I looked over the picture and decided to post it,


liked by maddiewalker and 234,523 others📍: Chicago, IL@calumhood: last day with my favorite little guy 🦕^@maddiewalker: this is so freaking cute❤️^@michaelclifford: stop stealing Landyn from me!😡😂^@calumhoodsbass: I didn't know I needed Calum ...

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liked by maddiewalker and 234,523 others
📍: Chicago, IL
@calumhood: last day with my favorite little guy 🦕
^@maddiewalker: this is so freaking cute❤️
^@michaelclifford: stop stealing Landyn from me!😡😂
^@calumhoodsbass: I didn't know I needed Calum as a dad content
^@5sosbae: Calum had a kid?! Wtf?!


I sat my phone down and rolled over, pulling Landyn onto my stomach. He smiled at me and took his hands, squishing my cheeks then bursting into a fit of giggles,

"You're goofy" I laughed, tickling his sides. He broke into a fit of giggles, collapsing onto my chest, wiggling around and trying to get free,

"O-Okay" he coughed, "No more"

I stopped as soon as he said that. After what he's been through, as soon as I hear the word 'no' , I stop. I would have done that anyway but I know it's super important now after hearing how horrible his dad uses to treat him.

A few minutes later, the door opened and the guys walked in with Chick-Fil-A. I swear that's all Landyn wants to eat,

"Nuggies!" Landyn jumped off of me and ran to Luke who had his kids meal,

"Go to the table and we'll get you set up," Michael told him. Landyn nodded and ran back to the small coffee table, sitting up on his knees.

I got his food out for him and opened the ketchup. Landyn sat quietly and ate.

With lunch in our stomachs, we headed to stage to soundcheck. Ashton had Landyn piggybacked and was running down the halls, making the kid crack up laughing,

"You wanna help us?" Michael asked, picking Landyn off Ashton's back. I think Michael has a little bit of jealousy when it comes to Landyn. Michael has known Landyn since he was born and Michael was the one who helped Landyn and Maddie through everything. Michael was Landyn's number one. Now Landyn's super close to me and the others and I think it's hurting him a little. I try not to overstep with Michael but sometimes it's hard considering I'm dating Maddie.

Michael put the headphones on Landyn, then Landyn ran behind the drums with Ashton,

"Here" Ashton lifted him on his lap and gave him the drumsticks. Ashton gave him the go-ahead and Landyn hit the drums with all his might. He was imitating Ashton's faces he makes on stage.

Ashton stopped him and Luke grabbed him, holding him to the mic stand,

"Hello" he giggled, the sound echoing in the empty venue.

We decided to run through a song for soundcheck. We chose Don't Stop since Landyn knows all the words. We gave him his own microphone and let him have at it while the guys and I played the instruments.

"Well, that was amazing!" We heard as the song ended, jumping as the girls walked out on stage. Landyn passed Luke the microphone and ran to his mom.

"Did you girls have fun?" I asked, walking over and kissing Maddie. She nodded and adjusted her hold on Landyn.

They were starting to let fans in so we went back to the dressing room. Landyn was occupied watching a show on my iPad and Maddie began helping me get ready.

We stepped into the bathroom while Maddie sorted my clothes out. Usually, I have KayKay pick my stage clothes out but since Maddie's here, I'd much rather her do it,

"Take your pants off" she laughed as she caught me watching her every movement,

"If you wanted in my pants you just had to ask" I teased as I took off my joggers. Maddie flicked my ear playfully and traded my joggers for black jeans. She then handed me a black button-up, which she took unbuttoning it halfway into her own hands. I slipped on a pair of boots and the red jacket Maddie handed me,

"Damn" she whistled, "You're hot"

"Thanks babe" I laughed and kissed her,

"Alright" I pulled back, "Help me with my inner ears?"

She strung the cord under my shirt and plugged everything in before walking around me,

"You're ready rockstar" she smiled. I pressed a kiss to her lips before we returned to the room.

We walked down to stage, all the guys high-fiving Landyn as we walked on, soaking up the crowd's energy.


We all got back on the busses, eating a couple of snacks before we decided to go to bed. Everyone was getting in bunks and Maddie and I were helping Landyn get ready for bed,

"Can I sleep with you and Mommy?" He looked up at me. I didn't want to tell him no so I started to quickly think,

"Buddy, the bunks aren't that big-" Maddie started but I cut,

"The back lounge couch pulls out to a big bed. We can sleep there"

Maddie looked at me softly and I grabbed our bed stuff and the three of us headed to the back.

Landyn settled in the middle, cuddling up to his mom. I flipped the light off and rolled on my side,

"I don't wanna go home" Landyn mumbled out,

"I know bud, but we have to. You've got school" Maddie answered. I heard Landyn grunt before he was curled up next to me,

"I don't wanna go to school. My back hurts still" he whined. I know Maddie was probably about to cry. Landyn's back is still pretty bruised from when he got pushed,

"I know" Maddie sighed. I reached over and grabbed her hand. She gave it a squeeze before cuddling closer to Landyn,

"Goodnight. I love you guys" I spoke up,

"Goodnight" Maddie whispered out,

"Goodnight Mommy. Goodnight Calum. Love you" Landyn turned and kissed both mine and Maddie's cheeks before falling asleep.

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