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< March >
< Sunday >

{ Calum }

I have Landyn all week. We guys sent the girls on a girl's trip. They needed to go do something all together. Plus Maddie's been so stressed with work and worrying about Landyn 24/7. She needs a break.

I woke up hearing Landyn yelling for me. Poor kid still has the boot on. Hopefully, he gets out of it today. We have an appointment to find out. We also have errands to run,

I climbed out of bed, tossed on a shirt, and headed across the hall to Landyn's room,

"Good morning buddy" I grinned, letting Duke run out of the room,

"I need to potty" he whined. I laughed and grabbed his boot, putting it on his foot, then letting him go to the bathroom.

He came back in his room when he was done, using the stool next to his bed to climb up on his bed,

"Did you sleep good?" I asked as he grabbed his blanket and giraffe,

"Duke kept waking me up" he pouted,

"I'm sorry dude. You know you can always come get me to get him"

"I know" he shrugged, "I'm hungry"

"Then let's get some breakfast in that belly before we go to the doctor"

Landyn went and crawled up on the couch with Duke to watch tv while I made breakfast.


Landyn held my hand as we walked into the doctors. He was holding his extra shoe in his other hand in hopes of being able to wear it when we leave.

"I hope I can put my shoe on" Landyn spoke as we got on the elevator,

"I think you will but we have to see what the doctor says"

"Mommy's gonna be happy to see me wif two shoes" Landyn giggled,

"She definitely will be. I'll be happy too"

"Yeah then I can get out of my bed by myself"

We both laughed and got off the elevator and walked into the office.

I checked Landyn in and they took us back. They did x-rays then took us to a room where we waited. Landyn sat up on the exam table with my phone and without his shoes on,

"Hello guys" the doctor entered. I shook his hand and took my phone from Landyn. The doctor began looking at Landyn's leg and foot, moving it in all directions and asking if it hurt,

"Everything looks good. It may be a little sore once he starts walking but just some Tylenol will do" the doctor told me,

"I can wear two shoes?" Landyn asked,

"You can wear two shoes" he confirmed.

"Can I play soccer now?"

"Yes, you can play soccer now" the doctor laughed.

Once we were able to go, I got Landyn's shoes on him and we headed out.


After we got some lunch, we went to get Landyn's soccer stuff. His practices start next week and I told Maddie I'd take him to get his cleats and stuff.

I like doing this stuff with Landyn, especially anything involving soccer. I think that helped me grow a bond with him- that and the fact we both love Monsters Inc.

Landyn held my hand as we walked towards the back of the store where the soccer stuff was,

"Pick which ones you like" I encouraged, letting go of his hand as we reached the cleats.

He walked up and down the stopped at a pretty cool pair of Nike ones that were gray with some neon yellow and an ankle sock on them,

"How much?" He asked pointing to them,

"Don't worry about how much they are. Do you like them?"

"But Mommy said not much money"

I sighed and bent down,

"Buddy, I'm not worried about the money. If you like them, we will get them"

He nodded. They weren't expensive anyway. I smiled and grabbed his size,

"Let's sit down and try them on"

We walked over to a bench and I knelt down in front of him, pulling off his shoe and putting one of the cleats on.

"Do they feel okay? Is your toe touching the top?"

"They feel awesome" he jumped making me smile.

We got his regular shoe back on and I picked up the cleat box. We got him some new shin guards and a new ball. He's already got a bag and it's in good shape,

"Alright dude, let's buy these, run to the grocery store, then we will go home" I rested a hand on his shoulder as we walked up to checkout.


As soon as we got home, Landyn 'helped' put the groceries away then we got his new cleats on and went outside to play. But we weren't just playing. I had a very serious question to ask him- to ask him if I can marry his mom.

I know it seems fast but I'm so in love with her and him. I want them to be my family. I want Maddie to be my wife.

"Hey Lan, can we talk?"

"Am I in trouble?" his eyes widened as he stopped the ball,

"No. Not at all" I assured. He nodded and we sat down in the grass,

"This is a really big question and you're allowed to say no," I told him,

"Okay," he whispered, his fingers picking at the grass,

"You know I love your mom a whole lot right?"

He nodded,

"And you know that I will never ever hurt her or you?"

Nod again,

"Would it be okay with you if I asked your mommy to marry me?"

Landyn's eyes widened and a big grin came across his face,

"Mommy would have your last name!" He jumped up, "Yes!"

"You can't tell her though. It's gonna be a surprise"

"I won't" he coiled then hugged me, "Is Mommy gonna have a pretty ring like Aunt Crystal?"

"She is. I already have it"

"Can I see it!?" he beamed, pulling my arm. I laughed and got up and took him to my room. I opened the drawer and grabbed the box, bending down and opening it for him to see,

"You think Mommy will like it?"

"Mommy's gonna love it!" he jumped, "When's Mommy gonna get it?"

"When she gets home from her trip"

"I'm so happy"

"I'm glad buddy. I'm really really glad"

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