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< June >
< Friday >

{ Calum }

Maddie and I sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Landyn to wake up. Sitting in front of me was adoption papers for Landyn. Yesterday we got told that everything with Landyn's dad was gone. He is no longer legally connected to Landyn. So now, we are waiting for Landyn to wake up. I want to ask him one more time if this is what he wants before I sign them and we head over to the courthouse. I've been ready for a while. Not long after Landyn came into my life, I went through all the classes and checks I needed to make him my son,

"And you are a hundred percent sure that it's okay if I adopt him?" I asked Maddie,

"Calum, I couldn't think of anyone that deserves this more than you and him. He loves you Calum and you love him. You've accepted him like he's your own. And I love you so much for that"

I smiled and squeezed her hand as we heard a door down the hall open. Duke trotted out first, begging to be let outside. I laughed and opened the screen door letting him out. Landyn appeared seconds later, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and holding his stuffed giraffe.

"Good morning baby boy" Maddie cooed and pulled him into her lap,

"Can we have pancakes?" he asked. No 'good morning' just an 'I want pancakes',

"We can have pancakes" I laughed, "Do you want bacon too?"

He nodded against Maddie's shoulder and yawned.

I immediately started on breakfast while Landyn let Duke back in and went to watch tv. Maddie sat up on the counter and watched me.

As soon as breakfast was ready, we all sat together and ate,

"What's that?" Landyn asked, pointing to the stack of papers- his adoption papers,

"They are adoption papers. They are the papers I sign to make you my son too" I told him. His eyes lit up,

"Today!?" he practically jumped out of his chair. I looked at Maddie and she was filming,

"Is that okay with you? If I adopt you?" I pulled him up in my lap,

"Yes! I want you to be my daddy!" he nodded quickly,

"Well then," I spoke and grabbed the pen and signed my name, "Now we just have to take them to the courthouse and make it official"

"Thank you" Landyn hugged me tight,

"Absolutely Landyn. I love you"

"I love you too"


We got to the courthouse and walked inside. We were all dressed nicely, ready to make it official.

As we walked, it seemed like everyone knew Maddie,

"Geez Mads" I laughed,

"Unfortunately Landyn and I have been here a lot with Josh" she sighed. Just at his name, Landyn pushed himself into my leg,

"Is he here?" he panicked,

"No baby he isn't. I promise" Maddie assured him, taking his hand.

We got to the wing we were supposed to be on and checked in. This specific area only did adoptions.

When it was our time, the three of us walked in and up to the front. The judge read over everything then smiled,

"Landyn, it's one hundred percent okay with you that Calum here becomes your dad?" she asked him,

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now