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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

Calum and I were going away for the weekend. It's our one year so we figured why not. But we have been so busy we haven't packed. So now, at 6 am, he and I are packing. We didn't have to worry about Landyn because Ashton and KayKay were going to stay at the house and watch him.

We're going to Paso Robles which is about three hours from here. It's a tiny romantic town Calum found and said we had to go. Who knew he could be a romantic.

As we finished up packing, Landyn walked into our room, rubbing his eyes,

"Good morning buddy" I smiled as he walked into my hold, "What are you doing awake already?"

"Didn't want you to not say goodbye" he mumbled into my stomach,

"We wouldn't have left without saying bye. We were going to wait until Uncle Ash and Aunt Kay got here" I rubbed his back as Calum came out of the bathroom,

"Good morning!" he beamed, picking Landyn up and laying him on the bed, "Are you gonna miss us?"

"Yeah" Landyn giggled as Calum tickled him, but the sound of the front door opening cut it off.

Ashton and KayKay poked their heads in. Ashton helped Calum take our bags to the car and I sat down with Landyn,

"Be good. And remember, Duke is your job so make sure you let Duke out to go potty"

"I will Mommy" he promised.

I nodded and we went out to the kitchen,

"I love you" I knelt down and hugged Landyn, giving him a kiss to his head,

"Love you Mommy" he whispered then moved to Calum,

"See you later buddy" Calum did the same as me,

"Love you" Landyn whispered again,

"I love you too buddy"

Calum and I hugged and kissed Landyn one last time then got on the road.


We pulled up to our hotel and checked in, then went to find our room.

We walked in and let's just say, the room wasn't the best,

"Okay, don't put anything on the floor. Let's set it up on the desk" Calum moved past me, tossing our bag on the desk. I sat my purse on it as he walked around the room and into the bathroom,

"It said it was 4 stars online. It was the best rated one" Calum grumbled as he wrapped his arms around me,

"It's okay. We can make it work" I promised. He nodded and went over and checked the bed for bedbugs and thankfully found none.


After hitting the pool for a while, we came back up to the room to get ready to go to dinner and a wine tasting. Paso Robles has a tone of vineyards so Calum just chose the most popular one to do a tasting at.

Calum and I hopped in the shower together. I immediately hugged him as cold water poured out of the showerhead,

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Calum mumbled, wrapping his arms around my body,

"Sorry Mads" he sighed. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest,

"It's okay" I promised. He sighed again but looked down and attached his lips to mine.

His hands went to my hips and pulled me flush against him, causing a moan to fall from his mouth,

"Mhm" he pulled away, "As much as I would love to take you right here, but the waters cold and we also have dinner reservations"

"Hey, we have all night" I winked. Calum laughed and we moved around to wash hair and bodies.


We got to the vineyard and walked around, stopping at different places to try different wines. I've never done something like this so it was really fun.

Calum lightly swung our hands as we entered the building where you could buy wine,

"Let's get a bottle of your favorite and a bottle of my favorite" he suggested. I nodded and we walked around, finding the two we liked.

We got in line to check out and I leaned into Calum. The line was pretty long,

"We should do this as a big group. I think it'd be fun" I leaned my head to the side so I could see him,

"We definitely should. And even if the other guys don't want to, you girls could do a girls trip"

I laughed and we stepped forward,

"So, are we going to have one of these at the wedding? They have a website we could order from" Calum asked, kissing my temple.

I couldn't hold my smile back. This was the first time we've said anything about the wedding other than we wanted it to be in February and that it would be in Australia-but the location might change,

"We should!" I nodded quickly.


It was quiet in our room as our naked bodies clung together. Calum was tracing his fingers along my back as my head rested on his chest and my nails traced shapes on his stomach,

"Hey, I have a question" Calum whispered. I nodded,

"I really want to adopt Landyn. How do we go about that?"

I sighed because he had ruined my surprise.

I sat up a little so we could see each other,

"I actually have the paperwork. It just needs your signature. I was going to surprise you"

Calum's mouth dropped,

"I wanted him to have your last name before I enrolled him in school so we didn't have to go and change it a couple of months later"

"And you're 100% positive on this?"

"Calum, I wish you were his biological dad"

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