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< October >
< Halloween >
< Thursday >

{ Maddie }

Landyn and I just landed in Dallas where Calum and the band are. With Landyn being on fall break at school, I figured we'd get a trip to see Calum in.

Landyn was bouncing as we walked off the plane. He could not wait. He held my hand and was practically running through the airport,

"Daddy said he'd be by the bags. Where the bags Mommy?" Landyn whined,

"Keep going straight" I smiled. I wasn't even going to get on him for being whiny or trying to run off. He's missed Calum a whole lot. I've missed Calum a whole lot. It's just not the same without him home.

We got closer to baggage claim and I spotted Calum. He smiled at me but we both held back because we wanted Landyn to see him first.

"Daddy!" Landyn gasped once their eyes met. I let go of my five year olds hand and he ran. Calum scooped him up almost immediately,

"I missed you Dad" I heard Landyn whisper as I approached,

"I missed you too buddy" Calum smiled, "And your mommy too" he then winked at me.

Calum put Landyn on his feet then pulled me to him, hugging and kissing me,

"I missed you baby" he mumbled,

"I missed you more"

"Should we grab your stuff and head off to the venue?" Calum suggested,

"Yes! And see Uncle Mikey!" Landyn bounced and ran to the conveyor belts,

"I think he's excited" Calum chuckled and grabbed my hand.

"Ya think?"


We got out of the Uber and headed around the back of the venue where the busses were. Calum opened the door for us and we headed inside, dropping all our stuff in the spare bunk,

"Should we go find everyone?" Calum asked,

"Yes yes yes" Landyn jumped out of the bus. Calum and I followed behind him into the building,

"Do you remember what the sign looks like?" I asked Landyn as Calum grabbed my hand. Landyn nodded and started looking at every door.

As soon as he found the door, he flung it open,

"I'm here!" he announced, running in and tackling Michael into a hug,

"Maddie!" Crystal gasped and ran over to hug me. I laughed then pulled away and hugged everyone else as Landyn sat on Michael's lap and told everyone about what we've done at home.

"Has he been okay?" Calum whispered, leaning closer to me as we sat on the couch,

"Yeah. He's doing so good in school and he keeps making friends. I let him have a little sleepover with a few boys the other day"

"Oh yeah. He was telling me that on FaceTime" Calum smiled, "What about you Mads? How have you been?"

"I've been okay. Missing you a lot. I also never realized how crazy busy life is without a second person to help out"

"You know my friend Roy would help you if you need it. He'd love to pick Landyn up at school or just watch him for a few hours"

"I know. I actually did have to call him one day. I got stuck at work and needed him to grab Landyn"

Calum and I were suddenly brought back to the conversation in the room as Landyn had said something and now everyone was looking at us,

"So little man broke your bass?" Ashton raised an eyebrow. My eyes screwed shut. I hadn't told Calum yet. My plan was to get it fixed or replaced before he came home,

"Do what?" Calum spoke. Landyn's eyes went wide and he looked at me with a pouted lip,

"Uh yeah. I was going to get it fixed before you got home" I whispered,

"No, I'm not mad. I just didn't know about it" Calum assured as he saw the scared look Landyn had, "How'd you break it buddy?"

Landyn wouldn't say a word,

"He was in the music room and I didn't know. He was trying to get your bass off the rack on the wall for some reason. He didn't realize how heavy it was and when he went to grab it, it slipped and hit the hardwood floor pretty hard" I explained,

"Oh" Calum spoke. I could tell he was a little mad but he wasn't going to show Landyn that,

"I'm sorry Daddy" he pouted, walking over,

"It's okay buddy. Make sure you tell Mommy that you're going in the music room next time okay?"

Landyn nodded and hugged Calum. I mouthed and 'I'm sorry' which he just nodded too,


Landyn, Crystal, Sierra, and I stood in front of the barrier while the boys were on stage. Landyn had his headphones on and was dancing all around. Calum would look down and laugh but go right back into performing.

"Okay so we've got one more song tonight!" Luke yelled,

"This is called Youngblood! Sing if you know it" Michael cheered. Landyn jumped,

"Youngblood, say you want me-"

All of us lit up at our boys. We all sang along too.


As soon as the boys finished, the girls, Landyn, and I went back to the bus. I helped Landyn get cleaned up in the tiny bathroom then helped him into his Spider-Man pjs.

As soon as we got to the main area, he was "shooting webs" at everything.

"He sure has some energy" Luke laughed, scaring us all as they walked in the bus,

"Come here my little Spider-Man" Calum picked Landyn up and started tickling him.

"We should all settle in the back room and watch a movie" Ashton suggested, making us all move to the back where Calum, Landyn, and I will most likely be sleeping,

"What should we watch?" Sierra asked, scrolling through family Halloween movies,

"Scooby-Doo!" Landyn yelled as she came to a stop,

"Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School it is" Crystal chuckled, pulling the blanket she and Michael were sharing up.

I made sure Landyn was comfortable then let my head fall to Calum,

"I'm glad you all could make it" he whispered,

"Me too" I smiled, "We can't be without our Calum for too long"

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