twenty-seven (pt 2)

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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

I walked as fast as I could down the hallway of the children's hospital. I was still in some pain but I didn't care. I had to find my baby. Michael and Crystal had brought me then they went to the airport to fly home for Christmas.

I approached the room and went in, causing Calum to shoot up from where he was laying on the bed with Landyn, who was asleep.

"Oh my god, Maddie" Calum jumped and hugged me, kissing my lips, "Dear god are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How is he?" I moved past him to my little boy,

"He's been sleeping a lot. He was awake when they brought him back from surgery yesterday. Then they gave him some medicine and he's been asleep since" he explained. I nodded and looked over my son,

"He picked red?" I questioned, looking at Landyn's casted leg,

"Yeah because it's Christmas theme" Calum chuckled,

"How was he when he was awake?" I sat down on the bed, careful not to hurt Landyn,

"He was a little out of it" Calum shrugged, "But, he saw me and said something"

"What was it?" I furrowed my eyebrows,

"He called me daddy," Calum said then busted out crying. The next thing I knew I was crying and Calum was hugging me,

"It doesn't bother me Maddie, but it has to be okay with you"

"It's totally okay"


Calum and I sat on the small couch. Calum was very carefully holding me since my whole body was bruised up. Landyn was still sleeping but that was because of all the medicine in his system.

Calum's phone started to buzz, making me get off of him so he could answer,

"Just my mom asking how things are" he smiled. I felt horrible,

"Cal, go home and see them. You didn't get to pick them up did you?"

"No, but it's okay. They understood. They rented a car" he assured. I nodded and closed my eyes since my head was pounding. Calum rotated again and kissed my head,

"Go to sleep Mads. I'll wake you as soon as Landyn wakes up"

That's all he needed to say for me to fall asleep.


"M-m-mommy" I heard and I sat up, groaning as soon as I did. My eyes shot to Landyn as Calum walked in the room with a bag that he sat down,

"Hey buddy" I walked over and kissed my little boy's head, "How are you feeling?"

"G-g-go h-home" he pouted, "D-d-daddy?"

"Hey buddy. Want to get the doctor to come and see if you can go home?" Calum asked. Landyn nodded and Calum pressed the button,

"I called my mom and told her where his clothes were at my house so she brought some"

I nodded and sat with Landyn. He wasn't crying, he was just looking around.

The doctor came in and looked Landyn over. Then she gave us a rundown on cast instruction and how to clean his hair and keep the staples dry. Then I had to ask about his stutter. He's never had one before,

"It's just because he hit his head pretty hard. It will go away. Just give it time" she assured. I nodded and Calum got him dressed while I signed discharge papers.

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