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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

We were in Vienna, Virginia now, and the boys had two days off. So today, since we aren't too far from DC we were getting on a train and going there. I've never been to DC so I was excited. Although, I wish Landyn was a little older to where he understood a little more. But I do think Landyn's going to enjoy some stuff.

We got on the train and Landyn thought it was the coolest thing.

We reached DC where Luke put Landyn up on his shoulders so we didn't lose him. We had decided to hit the monuments first. We figured we'd do what Landyn didn't care about first since he was still tired- and he's four so doesn't understand what the monuments mean or are.

Calum and I walked near the back of the group, our hands intertwined. We had just seen the Washington Monument and we're going to the Abraham Lincoln one,

"I'm glad you guys came to visit. I know you didn't want to take him out of school, but I missed you all so I'm glad you're here" Calum mentioned, pulling me into his side and draping his arm over my shoulders,

"Of course. We missed you too" I smiled, "Plus my four year old just got suspended from preschool so it wouldn't have mattered anyway" I joked,

"I can't believe he got suspended" Calum laughed back.

We reached the monument and Luke put Landyn down,

"Do you know who that is?" KayKay asked him,

"Nope" he giggled and grabbed her hand,

"That's Abraham Lincoln," Sierra told him,

"Okay" Landyn shrugged, making us all crack up,

"Maybe monuments are not the thing for a four year old" Ashton joked,

"I wanna see the dinos" Landyn whined, going to Michael who picked him up. I knew we'd be hearing this all day until we made it to the museum.

So, after a quick lunch, we went to the museum. It was just Calum, Landyn, and me. The others decided to go back to the hotel.

When we entered, Landyn immediately became intrigued by everything. I let him walk as Calum and I followed close behind.

"Mommy! Calum!" Landyn gasped as we entered the pre-historic room. He ran over to the dinosaurs. I wasn't too worried about him going ahead of us since there weren't too many people,

"Look Calum!" Landyn hopped in place, pointing up to the dinosaur,

"Pretty cool dude" Calum let go of my hand and picked Landyn up.

The only other section that Landyn had any interest in was the ocean room. We let him look all around until he was ready to leave. But before we left, we had to stop at the gift shop where Calum bought Landyn these little dinosaur toys.

After dinner, we went back to the hotel. I took Landyn into the bathroom to get him bathed. I was getting him ready for the night since he was having a sleepover in Luke and Sierra's room.

"Mommy" Landyn looked up, "I'm having a lot of fun," he told me,

"Yeah" I smiled, washing the shampoo from his hair, "I'm glad buddy"

"When do we have to go home?" He pouted,

"In a few days" I answered, helping him out and wrapping a towel around him. He just kept pouting.

With Landyn still wrapped in a towel, we walked into the main part of the room. Calum was sitting on the bed on his phone,

"Hey dude. You all clean now?" Calum got up and handed me Landyn's pjs. I got Landyn dressed and put what he needed in his little backpack,

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