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< Cruise day 1 >

{ Maddie }

"Alright birthday boy, let's go find Uncle Mike, Aunt Crys, and Calum" I smiled as Landyn and I walked into the airport. Landyn was excited. I woke him up at 4:00 am and he got right up.

We walked inside and checked our luggage then headed to meet the others by security. As soon as they came in view, Landyn took off to them- his Toy Story backpack bouncing as he ran. Michael grabbed his first, tossing him up and catching him,

"Happy birthday!" Crystal grinned, taking Landyn from Michael as I approached. Calum pecked my lips then Landyn hugged his legs,

"Happy birthday dude" he smiled,

"I'm four" Landyn proudly held four fingers in Calum's face,

"How about we get to the plan so we can go on our cruise and see Mickey Mouse" I suggested. Landyn nodded and we all got through security and onto our flight.

Landyn fell asleep as soon as we took off, head on my lap and legs on Calum's. Calum put his headphones in and I leaned my head back.

I smiled at Calum who grabbed my hand and rested them on Landyn's legs.

A couple of hours in, Landyn woke up, stretching out then sat up in his seat between Calum and me,

"I'm cold Mommy" he gently tugged my arm,

"I don't have a sweatshirt bud" I sighed,

"I have one" Calum leaned down and grabbed his backpack. He pulled out the 'famous' Empathy hoodie and put it over Landyn's head.

"Thank you" Landyn grinned then grabbed the IPad, "Can I go sit with Uncle Mikey and Aunt Crys?"

"Sure baby" I nodded. He climbed over Calum then walked down the row,

"And he's with them" Calum spoke and moved into Landyn's seat.

I settled with my head on Calum's shoulder, holding his arm to my chest. I felt Calum kiss my head then let his rest on mine. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep pretty fast.

The next time we woke up, we landed. The five of us walked off the plane and followed the signs to the Disney busses. We didn't have to worry about luggage since Disney was taking care of that,

"We're looking for bus number 4," I told Landyn,

"Four like me" he beamed and was pulling Michael and Calum along with him.

We found our bus and got in line with the others. It was already humid and Landyn had pulled Calum's sweatshirt off.

When the bus pulled up, we all got on. Calum and I sat on one side of the aisle with Landyn on my lap, and Michael and Crystal sat on the other side. As we left the airport, they played a little movie with Mickey about the cruise on the screens, which luckily had Landyn's full attention.

"Look Landyn!" Calum gasped as we saw the boat approaching. Landyn rushed onto Calum's lap to look out the window,

"Uncle Mikey! The boat!" Landyn looked back, making sure Michael was looking too. Michael and Landyn had watched a ton of Disney Cruise videos, so they know every aspect of it.

We got off the bus and went into the building, where we went through security again. Once we were in the main area before you get on the boat, we walked up to the desk to check-in. Michael and Crystal went down a little way to check-in since we were in separate rooms,

"It's under Maddie Walker," I told the lady, adjusting Landyn who was perched on my hip,

"Yes and there's three of you in the room. I have down Maddie Walker, Landyn Walker, and Calum Hood"

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