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I was running late. I missed my alarm so I had to rush to get ready and rush to get my three year old, Landyn, ready.

"Landyn, get your shoes baby" I sighed. He did as told and held them in his hands and followed me down to my car. I quickly buckled him up and headed to drop him off at my friend's house.

Crystal has been my friend for a few years now. Her and her fiancé, Michael, have helped me to extreme amounts, especially when I was dealing with my ex-boyfriend. They helped me out of the abusive situation Landyn and I were in and made sure, and continue to, make sure I'm okay.

Crystal watches Landyn for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have to go into the office to work. Mondays and Wednesdays I work from home and I'm off on Fridays.

I pulled up on the street in front of Michael and Crystal's house and got Landyn out, letting him take off to the door. I followed behind him as he opened the door and walked in,

"Unca Mikey! Aunt Cwissy! I'm here!" He called. I laughed and followed him to the kitchen. Crystal was standing at the counter and Michael was grabbing his things,

"There's my favorite little boy!" Crystal dropped and hugged Landyn .

I sat Landyn's bag down and leaned on the counter,

"You okay?" Michael hugged me. I nodded and sighed. I've been having problems with my ex, Josh, this past week.

"Hey, why don't you stay when you come back for Landyn. Some of our friends are coming over. It'll be fun" Crystal joined- Landyn now busy playing with the dogs.

"Crystal" I sighed,

"You aren't interrupting anything" she told me,

"Look, you need to meet people and we have a single friend- if your interested- but, you don't have to get in a relationship, just make some friends. You hang out with us and that's it" Michael pleaded,

"I'll think about it, okay" I told them, "I've got to get to work"


"What's up guys?" I smiled, walking into the studio. I had interrupted whatever conversation they were having,

"Michael invited his and Crystal's friend to join us tonight" Luke spoke up,

"Ahh cool. What's his name?" I asked taking a seat,

"It's a her and her name's Maddie. She's been through a lot and she needs to interact with more poeple who are older than three" Michael spoke,

"Three?" I questioned,

"She has a three year old son. His name is Landyn. Crystal watches him every Tuesday and Thursday" Michael informed,

"She just- she is coming from a bad situation- an abusive one. We just want to see a smile on her face" he sighed,

"Don't worry man, we will make sure she has one" Ashton nodded,

"Yeah" Michael stood, "Let's get to work"

Michael really cared about this girl and it sounds like she's had it hard. I don't even know her but I want her to be okay. Especially if she's a single mom- I know how hard that can be.

Around 2, Michael sat his guitar down and grabbed his keys,

"I'm gonna go home guys. I'm going to go hang out with Landyn for a while. I'll see you tonight" he told us. We said our 'bye's' and he left the studio,

"I wonder who this girl is. I mean neither him or Crystal have ever mentioned a Maddie or Landyn" Ashton spoke.

Luke instantly pulled his phone out and went to Michael's Instagram. He went to who he was following and we searched Maddie. Immediately a Maddie Walker popped up.

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now