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< Friday >

{ Maddie }

We've been in Europe for a couple of days. Right now we're in Manchester. So far Landyn's done really good but he complains about doing preschool stuff. I don't get why though. We're using ABC Mouse so it's all learning in game form. Calum even went and bought him learning games for the Switch.

Landyn loves being on tour. The crew members have been really good with him. One of the younger ones is teaching him how to skateboard.

We had a little bit before we got to the venue, but everyone was up eating breakfast/lunch. Landyn was sitting quietly off by himself, watching some cartoon on the iPad and eating a sandwich Michael made him.

"He been okay? He seems like he is?" Ashton took a seat next to me, motioning to Landyn,

"I think so. He'll come up to me at times and just kinda get attached" I shrugged,

"Well if you need any of us for everything, we will help" he smiled. I nodded and thanked him.


We came to a stop outside the hotel we'd be at tonight. The boys have a show tonight and tomorrow here. We all gathered our stuff, ready to go to the hotel and relax for a couple of hours before we go to the venue.

Just as we were about to step off, Dave pushed us back in,

"There's a bunch of fans" he warned and handed each of the guys a room key. Calum quickly took Landyn's backpack and put it on, then lifted Landyn up. Landyn knew the drill now so he put his face into Calum's neck and closed his eyes. I grabbed the bag we use for hotels and looped a finger through Calum's belt loop. KayKay got close behind me while Ashton stood on the side, guarding us both.

The screams were instant. I saw Landyn wrap his legs tighter around Calum as Dave got us all inside,

"Go on to your rooms. Be back in the lobby at four" Dave told us all. Everyone nodded and headed off to the elevators.

"You okay buddy?" Calum asked, putting Landyn down and grabbing our bag from me. Landyn nodded and hopped out as soon as the elevator doors opened,

"302 Landyn. Do you remember what that looks like?" I asked. He nodded and started running down the hall.

Landyn jumped to a stop in front of a room and waited for Calum and me. When we got there, I looked at the room number. He was right,

"Good job buddy" I high-fived him. He hit my hand with a proud smile.

Calum unlocked the door, and let us walk in. Landyn took off and jumped onto the bed- the only bed,

"Looks like he's sleeping with us" Calum laughed as he slipped past me. I nodded and moved forward, laying back on the bed and closed my eyes,

"Tired?" I felt Calum kiss my head,

"Did you know you snored all night?" I peeked an eye open,

"I did not" he defended,

"Yes, you did. It was loud" Landyn spoke up, making me laugh,

"Oh I'm sorry" Calum frowned,

"It's okay" I smiled,

"We have a few hours. We can nap" Calum suggested, moving and pulling the blanket and sheet down,

"Don't snore" Landyn pointed at Calum sternly, making me stifle a laugh.

The three of us settled in. Calum laid between Landyn and me and we all cuddled up. Calum quickly set up an alarm and the three of us dozed off.


Hearing Calum's alarm woke me up, but not him or Landyn. I sighed and gently shook the both of them- Calum waking up perfectly fine while Landyn whined. We all quickly changed and met the others in the lobby. A small passenger van pulled up and we were all shuffled in and taken to the venue.

When it was showtime, we all stood side stage. Landyn and Michael did their handshake then Calum and Landyn did theirs. Calum pecked my lips then ran up on stage.

The girls, Landyn, and I moved to the front of the stage to see better. We were all on Calum's side.

Calum was making faces at Landyn the whole time, and I had pulled my phone up to capture a good one:


liked by sierradeaton and 124,221 others👥: calumhood@maddiewalker: favorite rockstar 🥰🤟

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liked by sierradeaton and 124,221 others
👥: calumhood
@maddiewalker: favorite rockstar 🥰🤟


The show ended and we all rushed backstage, Calum grabbing me and pecking my lips right away- the adrenaline still there,

"Calum!" Landyn ran to us, causing us to break our lips,

"Hey lil man!" Calum swung him up, lightly tossing him in the air and catching him, "Did I do okay?"

"It was awesome" Landyn wide-eyed,

"Aren't we always" Michael smirked and grabbed Landyn and ran off behind everyone else to the dressing room, leaving me and Cal,

"So how was I?" He held my hips as my hands went around his neck,

"Pretty hot" I smirked, leaning up on my toes and placing my lips on his. Calum grabbed the sides of my face and deepened it- that was until we heard a cough. We both jumped apart and found Mitchy smirking,

"Save it for the bedroom" he teased,

"Might have to save it for the bathroom after Landyn's asleep" Calum whispered, guiding me to walk with him, "That is if you can keep it down"

"Says you" I pushed him as we reached the door,

"Seriously though" Calum stopped, "Think someone wants to let Landyn spend the night"

"We'll see" I winked then walked in, leaving him laughing behind me.

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