twenty-three (pt2)

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{ Crystal }

Once Calum and Maddie left, Michael hit his hand on the counter,

"I'm so fucking tired of Josh torturing them. I can't watch Maddie suffer again. I can't watch Landyn suffer"

"I know Michael" I sighed, "But right now we have Landyn so you have to calm down"

Landyn walked inside seconds later and over to me,

"Aunt Crissy? Can I take a bath? I feel icky" Landyn asked,

"Sure buddy. I think we still have some of your pjs. Do you feel sick icky?" I questioned, taking his hand and walking with him to mine and Michael's room,

"No dirty" he corrected. I nodded and grabbed a pair of bulldozer pajamas that we had for Landyn and took him into our bathroom.

I filled the tub while Landyn tossed some of the boat toys he had here in. Michael came in and sat up on the counter.

I pulled Landyn's shirt off and saw something on him right by the waistband of his pants. Maybe he did get dirty at school.

I pulled Landyn's pants off next and had to hold in my gasp. Landyn had finger bruises on his upper thighs. I looked at Michael and his eyes were wide. He already had his phone out and was calling Maddie.

I went to help Landyn take his underwear off when he screamed and pushed my hands away,

"No! I wear them in the bath" he panicked,

"Landyn, you don't wear your underwear in the bath," I told him, hoping he would maybe tell me something because I already had a horrible feeling about what happened,

"I can't take em off," he told me,

"I can look away while you take them off and get in the bathtub so I don't see or Uncle Mike can help you instead of me," I responded to see if maybe, just maybe, he didn't want me to see him naked,

"I can't" he whined again,

"Why not Lanny?" I questioned,

"She told me not too or my dad would come and hurt me"

Michael and I looked at each other wide-eyed,

"Maddie, get the fuck back to our house" Michael yelled into his phone and dropped it.

{ Maddie }

"Landyn!" I ran through Michael and Crystal's house to their bathroom with Calum on my tail. I swung the door open and Crystal was cradling Landyn who was crying and just wearing his underwear.

I dropped to the floor, crying as I grabbed Landyn and held him to me. I looked back at Calum who had tears running down his cheeks,

"Call the cops" I mouthed. Calum nodded but Michael stopped him and told him he would do it.

Crystal and Michael left the bathroom so I could talk to Landyn. Calum went to leave but Landyn's small "don't go" held him back.

"Landyn? Did Mrs. Julia touch you?" I asked as calmly as I could. He nodded against my chest,

"I didn't like it" he whispered,

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