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< Cruise day 2 >

{ Calum }

"Mommy!" I heard whispered, making me stir,


There it was again, but a little louder,

"Calum!" That made my eyes open. It was dark in the room still, the moonlight being the only thing illuminating it. I looked at the clock, it was 5 am.

"Calum" I heard whined again. I sat up and looked over to where Landyn was sleeping. I could barely make out his figure.

I untangled my arm from Maddie's hold and got up, walking over to Landyn. I pulled him down from the bunk and held him on my hip,

"What's wrong?" I whispered, not wanting to wake Maddie up,

"I woke up and can't go to sleep now" he laid his head on my shoulder. I nodded. I grabbed my hoodie off the couch and headed out on the balcony.

I took a seat in the chair and let Landyn curl up in my lap, letting my hoodie cover his body,

"Sorry I wake you up" he mumbled,

"It's okay. I'm not sleepy anymore" I told him. He nodded and the two of us continued to sit with each other as the sun rose.

I guess we both lied about being sleepy. I didn't know we fell asleep until I felt Maddie's hand in my hair and heard a little whine out of Landyn,

"What are you guys doing out here?" Maddie asked, kissing Landyn's head,

"He woke up and couldn't sleep so we came out here" I pecked her lips. I felt her tense through the hand on my head,

"You don't have to do my mom duties" she whispered,

"I don't mind" I assured her. I really didn't. I love Landyn so I don't mind helping out, plus it relieves a lot of stress on Maddie.

"Well, do you want to get breakfast then we will go on shore?" Maddie spoke and picked Landyn up off my lap.

{ Maddie }

I got Landyn ready first and sent him with Michael and Crystal to get breakfast since they were already ready. As soon as Landyn was out the door, Calum had me against the door. I tugged him closer to me by his shirt and pressed my lips to his. Calum chuckled and let his hands grip my hips.

We pulled away, both of us with swollen lips. Calum pecked my lips a couple of more times then we started to get ready.

We headed down to the buffet and grabbed our food then found Michael, Crystal, and Landyn. Landyn was almost done with his Mickey waffles,

"Glad for you all to finally join" Crystal smirked. I rolled my eyes and kept eating,

"We have to be back on the boat by 4:00" I informed the table. They all nodded and Landyn climbed into Michael's lap.

Finally, we were allowed to leave the boat and explore Nassau. We went through security, letting them check our bags and passports, then headed to land. Calum had Landyn on his shoulders, just so we could keep an eye on him.

Michael and Crystal wanted to go to the beach right away, so they split from us. Calum and I wanted to walk around the little shopping area first. Landyn wanted to stay with us,

"I want down" Landyn whined, patting the top of Calum's head,

"If you get down, you do not let go of our hands" I sternly told him. He nodded and Calum put him on his feet. Landyn grabbed my left hand and Calum's right hand right away.

We went into a few shops and I let Landyn pick a couple of things out. We ate some lunch, then hit a couple of the street setups on the way to the beach.

We stopped at one that had handmade bracelets and looked around. Landyn kept running his finger over the beads,

"We should get some" Landyn looked up,

"Which one do you like?" I asked,

"No Mommy. Me, you, and Calum get the same one" he corrected me,

"That's a good idea" Calum smiled, "I think matching bracelets is genius"

We ended up going with white rock braided bracelets. Calum paid for them when I told him not to. We got them tied on our wrists and walked to the beach.

"Aunt Crissy! We got matchin' bracelets!" Landyn shoved his wrist in her face.

We didn't stay on the beach long. It was super crowded. There was barely any room for people. So we headed back to the boat and hung out by the pool for a while before we needed to get ready for dinner and pirate night.

Landyn was being extra clingy to me. Calum had to pry him off of me so I could take a shower. As soon as my shower was done, Landyn was back and attached to my hip.

I sat at the little desk in our room and did my makeup while Calum took a shower. Landyn was standing next to me with his head on my shoulder. I sighed and sat my makeup down and pulled my son to sit on my lap,

"What's wrong baby boy?" I asked. He didn't answer me, he just started to cry,

"Okay," I sighed and rubbed his back and kissed his head,

"Mommy" he whimpered as Calum came out of the bathroom dressed for dinner,

"What's wrong?" I asked once more,

"I had a scary dream 'bout daddy last night," he told me, "He hurted you again mommy" he bawled,

"Your dad won't hurt me or you anymore" I assured him,

"Landyn, I won't let your dad hurt you or mommy" Calum stepped in. Landyn nodded and rubbed his eyes,

"How about we get you ready for pirate night" I suggested, trying to brighten him up. Landyn nodded and we got him all pirated out.

After dinner, we went straight to the top deck for the pirate party and fireworks. Michael held Landyn on his hip as the Jack Sparrow show started. Landyn was loving the show. Jack Sparrow was jumping off things, getting chased- any little boy's favorite things to watch.

As the fireworks started, Landyn switched to my arms. Michael was holding Crystal from behind and Calum stood behind me, holding my waist,

"Mommy, this is the best birthday I've ever had," Landyn told me as the fireworks erupted above us,

"I'm glad you're having fun" I kissed his head,

"Thank you Mommy. I love you"

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