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< Tuesday >

{ Maddie }

I had to take Calum up on his offer today. Michael and Crystal are out of town and I have to work so I asked if Calum could watch Landyn. Of course, he said yes, and Landyn was excited.

I finished getting dressed for work and walked into Landyn's room to get him dressed,

"Do you have your bag packed?" I smiled walking in,

"Mhm. I got toys and blankie" he told me,

"Good. Now let's get you dressed" I smiled. Landyn giggled and nodded.

I grabbed Landyn's clothes and got him into ball shorts and a Spiderman t-shirt. I quickly tied his shoes and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a sippy cup and filled it with milk and gave it to him, then we were out the door.

"Landyn, be good for Calum. Listen to him and do what he says" I spoke, glancing in the mirror,

"I will Mommy" he groaned. I laughed. I gave him the 'be good' lecture last night. But Landyn was excited to hang out with Calum today. He loves going to Michael and Crystal's but I think he was excited to switch it up.

I pulled into Calum's driveway, seeing him standing on his porch, skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and a cup of coffee in his hand. The morning sun really making him look good. I smiled and got out of the car and he stepped off his porch and walked towards me,

"Good morning" Calum grinned as I opened the back door and helped Landyn out and grabbing his backpack while he carried his sippy cup.

"Hi Calum" Landyn smiled and hugged Calum's legs,

"Hey buddy" Calum hugged him back then let go, and looked to me,

"Good morning" he hugged me, and kissed my cheek,

"Good morning" I smiled. Calum took Landyn's backpack from me and tossed it over his shoulder,

"Okay. I have to go" I breathed and knelt down to Landyn,

"Be good and have fun" I kissed his head, and stood, "Thank you Calum"

"No problem. I told you I could watch him anytime" he nodded. I nodded back and thanked him again before going to work.

{ Calum }

Once we watched Maddie leave, I took Landyn inside where Duke instantly jumped on him, making him laugh. I grabbed the sippy cup from him and sat his bag on the couch,

"Do you want some breakfast Landyn?" I asked once Duke finally calmed down,

"Okay" he beamed and followed me into the kitchen, "Can I help?"

"Sure" I laughed and lifted him to sit on the counter, "How about pancakes?"

He nodded quickly and I grabbed what we needed. We poured everything in the bowl and I helped Landyn mix it before I sat him in a chair at the island so I could use the stove,

"You can watch tv if you want. I'll go turn it on for you" I told him,

"I'm okay" he smiled- the same smile he shares with his mom.

I finished up our pancakes and poured syrup on both plates and sat with Landyn at the counter. Every time I would look over at Landyn, he'd giggle and look away. It turned into a game which I had the kid full-on laughing by the end of.

Landyn asked if we could walk Duke. He told me that he and Crystal always take Moose and Southy on a walk. I told him we would, so we got shoes on and put a leash on Duke, and started down the sidewalk.

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