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< September >
< Tuesday >

{ Calum }

I leave for tour tonight. Landyn's taking it really hard, harder than the last time. We're letting him stay home from school today so we can all have the day together.

I woke up with Maddie laying on top of me, her face cuddled into my neck,

"Good morning babe" I whispered, allowing my arms to tighten around her,

"Good morning" she mumbled, the movement of her lips tickling my neck, "I don't want you to go"

"I know baby" I sighed, using one hand rubbing her back.

Before we knew it, the bedroom door opened and Landyn walked in holding his blanket to his chest and rubbing his eyes,

"Daddy? Mommy?"

"We're up baby" Maddie spoke and rolled off of me and onto her back.

Landyn walked over with Duke following behind, both of them hopping on the bed. Duke curled up at the end while Landyn laid between Maddie and me.

"I'm gonna miss you" he whispered, laying more on my arm,

"I'm gonna miss you too but you and Mommy are going to come visit," I told him, hugging him to my body.

Landyn requested that the rest of the morning we cuddle in bed and watch tv- so that's exactly what we did while eating cereal and donuts. 


Landyn sat on the bed as I packed. I needed a couple of last minute things so Maddie ran out to get them.

Landyn was helping me by telling me yes or no to shirts. He liked that though,

"Daddy" he mumbled, making me look up at him, "Are you almost done?"

"Yep" I smiled, "What's up?"

"Can we play when you get done?" he asked, his little lip pouted out,

"Of course buddy. Let me put a couple of things in here then we'll play for a bit before I need to pack some more"

Landyn's smile broke out into a grin.

So I started working fast and finally zipped up my bag,

"Let's go play" I held my hand out. Landyn jumped off my bed and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his room.

We built a train track and finished right as Maddie came in. She smiled at us from her spot in the doorway.

"I sat the stuff on the bed" she spoke then walked in, settling down next to me,

"Thank you" I pecked her lips,

"Mommy, do you want to play trains with me and Daddy?"Landyn handed us both trains. Maddie of course nodded and put the trains on the track.


After lunch, the three of us settled in the living room with Cars on the tv. I laid on the couch with Maddie in my side and Landyn on my chest. We had a blanket over us and were just enjoying each other before I leave in a few hours.

Landyn was sound asleep. I could feel his soft breaths against me. Maddie was awake and holding my hand,

"I'm gonna miss you" I whispered,

"We're gonna miss you too" Maddie spoke, "I think it's gonna be really hard on Landyn this time. It was hard on him last time but I think this will be worse"

"I'll call every night. I promise"

Maddie nodded against me and kissed my cheek. Then the two of us fell asleep.


We stood at the terminal, waiting for my flight with everyone else. Landyn wouldn't let go of me. He's been attached to my leg the entire time,

"Daddy, don't go" he pouted. Maddie instantly teared up,

"I'll be home soon. And plus you and Mommy are going to come visit"

Landyn nodded but held onto me tighter,

"Flight 234 to Cincinnati now boarding!"

This was it,

"I have to go now" I spoke, kneeling down to Landyn's height,

"I love you" he whispered, wrapping his arms around me,

"I love you too" I kissed his head before standing and bringing Maddie to me,

"I'm gonna miss you" she mumbled,

"I'm gonna miss you too but I'll see you soon" I promised. She nodded against me then kissed my lips,

"I love you"

We pulled away and I grabbed my bags,

"Daddy! Wait!" Landyn yelled, running at me with his stuffed dog, Milo, in his hands, "You can't forget him"

I smiled and took hold of the stuffed animal,

"Thank you Lanny"

< Wednesday >

I jumped around in the dressing room, ready to go on stage. I wish Maddie and Landyn could be here, but Landyn has school and that's more important than him travelling with me.

Just as I was about to walk out the door, my phone started ringing with a Facetime from Maddie. I grinned and answered as a smiley Landyn popped up on the screen.


"Hey buddy" I smiled as Maddie moved into view, "Hey babe"

"Hi Cal" she smiled, "You about to go on?"

"Yeah. We're on in a couple of minutes"

"Oh okay. We will make this fast then" she chuckled and Landyn pushed himself in again,

"Daddy good luck!"

"Thank you Lanny. I'll call you before you go to school tomorrow okay?"

Landyn nodded and I got called to stage,

"I have to go. I love you two"

"We love you. Good luck rockstar"

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now