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< Monday >

{ Maddie }

"Wait wait wait" Crystal gasped, "He spent the night!"

I was currently at her house with Landyn. All of their friends were here too. I was off work for the day so when she invited us over, I said yes- plus I did want to see Calum.

"Yes, Crystal" I rolled my eyes, "We were watching a movie, waiting for the storm to clear up before he drove home. We laid down and we fell asleep"

I know I was grinning like an idiot. I did really like Calum. I haven't felt his way about anyone in a long time, but he doesn't know a lot about my past- which is important if I'm going to let him anywhere near my son.

Once Crystal got all her gossip out of me, we walked out back where everyone else was. Landyn was jumping in and out of the pool, Calum being the one who was catching him then putting him back on the concrete so he could jump again,

"That's cute" Crystal spoke in my ear, making me jump. I nodded then followed her over to sit with Sierra and KayKay.

"Okay, Calum is the softest human ever. I have never seen him like this" Sierra laughed,

"Because he's crushing on my girl right here" Crystal smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked to the pool. Landyn was now sitting on Michael's shoulder but with Calum's hat on,

"So, you and Cal?" KayKay asked,

"Uh, we know we both like each other but it's gonna be slow moving" I explained,

"Good. You don't have to rush into anything" Crystal smiled. I nodded as the guys and Landyn all came over. Calum sat next to me and Landyn climbed on my lap, wrapped in a towel,

"Mommy, I cold" Landyn shivered so I wrapped my arms around him tighter,

"Not helping mommy" he looked at me then moved onto Calum's lap,

"Better?" I laughed. Landyn nodded and Calum sent me a goofy, yet cocky, smirk.

We got pizza later on, but Landyn didn't eat. He was already asleep on the couch inside.

Now we were sitting around the fire pit. I was still next to Calum and he had his arm draped around me, pulling me closer to his side. Every time he would rub his hand on my arm, I'd get goosebumps and I would hear Calum laugh under his breath. Crystal was just sending smirks in my direction.

Finally, I checked the time and saw it was well past 10 pm,

"I'm gonna head home. I have to work tomorrow" I stood,

"Why don't you just leave Landyn here? He's asleep and he's got what he needs. That way you can take your time in the morning and get ready for work" Crystal suggested,

"Yeah okay. If you don't care" I shrugged,

"It's not a problem" she assured,

"Oh and Crys won't be here tomorrow but I'll be here so I'll be watching him" Michael piped in,

"Oh, I'm sure he will love that" I laughed and grabbed my keys,

"I'll see you all later" I laughed and headed out the gate.

< next day >

I picked Landyn up from Crystal and Michael's after work and headed home. As I went to open our apartment door, I noticed a paper stuck in it. I grabbed it then heard a voice behind me, one that made me freeze.

I turned around and saw Josh. I quickly unlocked the door and shoved Landyn and I in, slamming it and locking it behind me,

"You know my name is on this apartment right" I heard Josh laugh. I turned and looked at Landyn,

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