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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

"Crystal, I really don't want to go out" I sighed,

Crystal was currently going through my closet to find me something to wear. She's dragging me out to a club with Michael and their friends,

"Mads, calm down. It's going to be fine. You don't drink that much anyway so you'll be perfectly fine when you come home" she told me,

"You're coming. You haven't been out since the day Landyn was born" Crystal laid out an outfit, "Now, you get ready, and I'll play with Landyn until the babysitter gets here"

I grabbed the clothes off my bed and put them on, looking in my mirror- a short, tight, white skirt, a black top, and black booties. I haven't seen this side of myself in a long time. I headed for my bathroom and did my hair and makeup.

Finally satisfied, I went out to the living room with Crystal and Landyn, and now Kylie -my babysitter. Kylie's 19 and lives down the hall. She will come watch Landyn if I have to go somewhere fast.

"You look hot!" Crystal grinned,

"You look pwetty mommy" Landyn smiled,

"Thank you baby boy" I kissed his head, "Be good for Kylie. You listen to her" I told him,

"I will mommy" he nodded,

"Okay. Let's go" I sighed. Crystal stood and took my hand and dragged me out to the Uber she ordered.

"The boys, KayKay and Sierra just got there" Crystal told me, looking at her phone. I nodded and looked out the window.

"Look, you have to stay an hour, but after that if you want to go home, you can go home" Crystal patted my leg. I nodded. I want to have fun, I do, but I'm just nervous.

We got to the club and went in. Crystal had my hand as she dragged me to the back where the others were,

"Hey!" Michael pulled me into a hug,

"Hi Mikey" I laughed,

"I'll go get you and Crys drinks" he kissed Crystal then walked off to the bar,

"Uh, you look really nice" Calum stood next to me,

"T-thank you. Uh, you do too" I stuttered, my face feeling hot. Calum chuckled and looked down as I was taken off guard by Sierra and KayKay hugging me.

"How's Landyn!?" KayKay yelled over the music,

"He's good. Basically pushed me out the door" I laughed as Michael came back and handed me a drink.

The song changed and Crystal jumped, grabbing Michael's hand,

"Let's dance" she dragged Michael with her. Sierra and KayKay did the same to their partners,

"Come on" Calum took my drink and sat it down before taking my hand, "Let's dance"

I'll admit, I was having a good time. Calum was super sweet - hot - but still super nice. He danced with me, pulling out goofy moves, making me laugh.

After a few hours, Calum took me to the bar with him. We had lost everyone else. Calum ordered two drinks, paying for both, which I told him he didn't have too. He insisted though.

"You having a good time? Mikey said you weren't real thrilled to come out with us" Calum yelled over the music,

"I am. I just haven't left Landyn like this since he was born" I yelled back. Calum's face softened and he grabbed my hand again. I had chills run through my body.

"Oh! There's Mike and Crystal" Calum, intertwined our fingers, "Let's go dance with them"

Calum pulled me along until were right next to Michael and Crystal. Calum kept hold of my hands, occasionally grabbing my waist as we danced. I had butterflies in my stomach,

The song switched and I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my waistband,


Kylie: [ I'm so sorry.
I didn't want to bother you but
Landyn's sick. He keeps begging for you ]

[ Okay. I'll be there soon ]


"Everything okay?" Calum asked, holding me to his side as people walked by,

"I need to get home. Landyn's sick" I sighed,

"Oh. Okay. Uh, I'll split an Uber with you" he took my hand,

"No, that's okay Calum" I stopped him,

"I insist" he smiled. I nodded and followed Calum out, who got us an Uber.

The ride was silent. Calum was still holding my hand. I don't know what's going on. My emotions are all over. I mean, Calum's attractive and he's super sweet, but am I ready to think about a relationship again?

The car stopped and I saw we were at my apartment complex,

"I'll walk you up" Calum got out and helped me out, walking up to my door with me,

"Thank you Calum. You didn't have to do all this" I faced him as we reached my apartment,

"My pleasure. I had a good time" he grinned.

We stood awkwardly for a moment then I turned to open my door,

"Wait" Calum grabbed my wrist, "Could I get your number? We can go get breakfast or something soon?" He asked shyly.

I grinned and nodded, taking his phone and putting my number in,

"Awesome. I'll text you" he smiled, "Okay, I'll let you get to your son" he backed up,

"Thank you Calum. Get home safe" I smiled. He nodded and I watched him walk off.

I turned to face my door and let a little squeal out, then calmed down, opening the door to find my sick son.

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