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< Friday >

{ Maddie }

While Landyn was at school, I was packing. Right after I pick him up, we're flying to Boston to meet up with the band. We were going to be with them for a week. But Landyn has no idea we're going.

I packed Landyn's Lightning McQueen suitcase, then moved on to his little carry on bag. I put his drawings he made for everyone in then put some toys, his baby blanket, and stuffed giraffe-Scotty-in.

Just as I finished my bag, my phone began ringing. Landyn's preschool was calling me,

"Hello?" I questioned as I answered. I honestly had no idea why they'd be calling me,

"Hello. Am I able to speak to Maddie Walker?" The woman on the other line spoke,

"This is she" I responded,

"Hi. This is Mrs. Adams at Gardner Preschool. We need you to come get Landyn. He was involved in an incident today and he needs to be picked up" she told me. I was taken back,

"Okay. I'm on my way" I hung up and grabbed all our stuff. It was almost the end of the school day anyway. I'd probably just pick him up, get us something to eat, and go to the airport.

I parked and got out as I saw another mom walking in as well. She and I walked in and to the office where Landyn sat with another little boy. Both of the kids were crying.

The assistant, who I spoke to on the phone, took us into the main office where the principal sat. I couldn't believe I was even in here. I'm sitting in the principal office for something involving my FOUR year old.

"Ms. Walker, Mrs. Martin, your sons were involved in a physical situation. We don't know what exactly started it, but we do know it was during playtime when the kids were outside on the playground" she spoke then looked at me,

"Landyn pushed and hit Hunter. This is totally unacceptable. So, he won't be able to return for a week- which I know isn't too big of a deal considering you were going out of town anyway"

I nodded and tried to wrap my head around Landyn pushing and hitting a kid,

"Mrs. Martin, Hunter is okay. We just want to send him home to make sure he's okay"

We got up and walked out of the office, where I stopped the other mom,

"I'm so sorry for what Landyn did," I told her. She scoffed,

"Did you think your kid wouldn't be physical? I mean little boys turn out like their fathers" she smirked.

My eyebrows furrowed and my blood was cold,

"How do you know that?" I questioned,

"I worked your case" she sent me a sarcastic smile, grabbed her son, and left.

I looked at Landyn who was bawling his eyes out. I sighed and signed him out, grabbing his bag and his hand and taking him to the car.

I didn't talk to him right away. Instead, I got us food and went to the airport, eating in the parking lot.

When we were both done eating, I had Landyn crawl into the front seat so we could talk,

"Landyn, can you tell me what happened at school?" I asked, wiping just below his eyes,

"M-me and H-Hunter were playing and I w-was sitting on the s-step and he p-push me off. I got m-mad and push him then h-hit him" he cried,

"Wait, he pushed you off the steps?" I squinted my eyes. Landyn nodded, "Did you not tell anyone this?"

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