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< November >
< Saturday >

{ Calum }

Waking up in the freezing hotel room with both Maddie and Landyn made me smile. But unfortunately, right after the show tonight, they go home because Landyn has school next week.

Maddie shuffled, making my eyes move to her,

"Good morning" I whispered, trying to not wake Landyn,

"Good morning" she smiled, leaning up and pressing her lips to mine, "What time is it?"

"Almost 8:30 am" I hummed, "I was thinking we'd go get some breakfast then take Landyn to the children's museum before we have to go to the venue"

"That sounds fun" Maddie spoke and nuzzled into me, peppering light kisses to my neck, "Should we get ready then wake Landyn and get him ready?"

I nodded and the two of us got out of bed and made sure Landyn was still tucked in.

We both grabbed clothes and stepped into the bathroom. As I changed, Maddie was just leaning against the counter with her eyes closed. She was still tired. Her face was all puffy and the bun on top of her head was wild,

"Baby" I chuckled, "Would you like some help?"

She nodded and handed her clothes to me. I helped her finish changing just as there was a knock,

"I have to potty" we heard the five year olds voice. We both chuckled and opened the door. He didn't even wait for us to leave before he was using the bathroom.

Landyn came back into the room and got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt before we headed to breakfast.


We got to the children's museum and Maddie had to grab Landyn's hand to keep him from running off. We knew he was just excited, but he can't just run away,

"You have to stay with us," she told him. He nodded then grabbed my hand with his free one,

"I wanna build the cars" he whined, looking everywhere. Someone told him there was an area you could build a toy car and Landyn hasn't stopped asking to go there- so that's where we are going first.

Landyn took a seat at the table while Maddie and I stood behind him. We were going to let him do it on his own until he asked us for help.

He was so focused. His tongue was poking out as he tried to put it together. He kept repeating "just like legos" until he finally looked back,

"Help please"

I smiled and sat next to him,

"What do you want to build?"

"Monster Truck!"

I laughed and pulled him on my lap so we could work on this truck.

When we finished, I paid for it then we walked around the rest of the museum.


"Daddy, can I help you pick your clothes?" Landyn tugged my arm as I opened up my case, getting ready for the show,

"Sure buddy" I laughed, moving out of the way, "Go on"

"It's gonna be super cool," he told me as he handed me a pair of black jeans. He dug around some more, making me mentally groan at the mess my suitcase was now, then grabbed my black Nine Inch Nails shirt,

"This?" I asked. Landyn nodded,

"And your skate shoes," he told me, referring to my Vans. I smiled and went into the bathroom, changing them coming back out,

"Good job Lanny" Maddie grinned, kissing his cheek,

"I know how to dress cool" he shrugged making everyone chuckle.

Soon our tour manager came in and told us we needed to get to stage. Maddie, Landyn, and I walked in the back of everyone. Landyn was up on my shoulders as I bounced him, making his giggles fill the hallway.

As I reached the side stage, I put Landyn on his feet. I kissed Maddie's lips and Landyn's head, then grabbed my bass and hopped on stage.

Just as we got started, I looked to the front of the stage and saw Maddie and Landyn singing and dancing. They both caught me looking and waved. I smiled and Landyn went back to mocking me playing the bass.


As soon as the show ended, I showered, then got in an Uber with Maddie and Landyn to take them to the airport,

"I don't want to go. I want to stay here with Daddy and not go to school" Landyn cried as soon as we walked inside,

"I'm sorry buddy" I knelt down, "You gotta go to school and get super smart so you'll be smarter than me and Mommy"

"Come with us" he hugged me. I looked up at Maddie who had tears in her eyes,

"I can't Landyn, but I will be home soon" I promised. He nodded against my shoulder and pulled away.

I stood and hugged Maddie tightly,

"I'll be home soon" I spoke. She nodded, pulling back and kissing my lips.

I walked them to their terminal just in time for their flight,

"Go cuddle Duke for me" I smiled,

"I will Daddy" Landyn giggled, hugging me one last time.

I hugged and kissed Maddie once more, then watched them get on the plane, making me walk away.

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