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< Saturday >

{ Maddie }

"Okay Landyn" I sighed and took a seat next to him on the couch, "Kylie is going to babysit you overnight"

"Why?" He crawled in my lap,

"I have to go to Uncle Luke and Uncle Ash's birthday party. But it's a grown up party. It's going to be super late when it's over so I'm going to stay at Calum's so I don't wake you up" I explained, pushing his blonde locks from his face,

"But I want to tell Uncle Luke and Uncle Ash happy birthday" he whined,

"Well, how about you make them a card and I will give it to them" I suggested. Landyn's eyes widened and he hopped off my lap,

"I'll get my markers and you get me paper" he demanded, making me eye him, "Please"

I laughed and went to get him paper as he ran into his room.

I got Landyn set up at the table then walked into my room to get my things ready. Calum was picking me up early and we were having like a little date before we went back to his to get ready.

I walked out of my room when I heard my door open. Kylie was walking in and heading straight to Landyn,

"I really appreciate this Kylie" I smiled,

"It's no problem" she grinned and hugged Landyn, "We're going to have a fun sleepover aren't we"

"Yeah! We can make a fort and sleep in it" Landyn beamed,

"I told him if we had a sleepover we would," Kylie told me, making me smile,

"Okay, well, I'm not leaving yet. You already have my number but I put my boyfriend's on the fridge if you can't reach me," I told her. She nodded and sat with Landyn.

The door opened again and Calum walked in,

"Hi Calum" Landyn waved,

"Hey buddy" Calum smiled, high-fiving Landyn then hugging me,

"Cal, this is Kylie" I introduced,

"Nice to meet you" they nodded to each other.

Calum followed me into my room as I finished gathering my stuff. I quickly stuffed my toothbrush into my bag and tossed it on my back. I turned around and faced Calum,

"Come here" he laughed. I walked into his arms, making him lean down to kiss me. His lips softly pressed mine and his hands rested on my hips while mine were around his neck.

I made my way to Landyn, kissing his head,

"I'm leaving. Be good for Kylie" I told him,

"I will Mommy," he told me then handed me his cards he made, "Make sure they get it"

"I will Landyn" I laughed, tucking them in my purse, "I love you. I'll see you in the morning"

"I love you" he whispered and gave me a kiss,

"See you later buddy" Calum smiled and ruffled Landyn's hair, and the two of us went to head out,

"Wait!" Landyn yelled, making both Calum and I stop, "I love you too Calum"

Calum's eyes snapped to me and I saw how they were already watering,

"I-I love you too bud" he gently took my hand and we walked out.

I opened the back door to put my bag in and instantly smiled to myself. There was a carseat- it wasn't mine and it wasn't Michael's,

"Cal" I turned around after putting my bag in,

Loving Two // C.H (completed)Where stories live. Discover now