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< Saturday >

{ Calum }

With the girls gone this weekend, Landyn needed a babysitter. But he wanted to stay the night with me and Mike. So he stayed with Michael last night and is staying with me tonight.

It was around 3 when I pulled into Michael's driveway. I finished off the cigarette I was smoking, getting out, and walking into the house,

"Michael!" I called as Moose and South jumped on my legs. I heard footsteps pattering and Landyn came running around the corner. As he jumped, I picked him up. His arms went around my neck and his legs wrapped my torso.

Michael laughed as I walked into his view,

"You know I used to be his favorite" he joked,

"Sorry dude. Seems like I'm better" I joked back,

"You're my favorite uncle Uncle Mike. Calum's not my uncle" Landyn spoke as I put him on his feet,

"Then what's Calum?" Michael was amused, and I was nervous about what he was going to say,

"He's Mommy's boyfriend. That means he will be my dad one day"

I started choking on air and Michael's eyes widened,

"What?" Landyn looked between us,

"Nothing buddy" I sighed once I controlled myself. I couldn't let this kid down. Michael didn't know what to say either,

"You, uh, you ready to get going bud?" I asked. Landyn nodded and ran to get his stuff.

My hands rubbed my face once he was out of view,

"Freak you out?" Michael questioned,

"Yeah" I sighed, "I wasn't expecting him to say that"

"I wasn't either. I didn't think he would put things like that together" Michael nodded.

We stopped talking when Landyn came back. I took his bag from him while he held onto his blanket and giraffe.

I buckled Landyn into his carseat, which Maddie had given me for the weekend, and shut the door,

"You good? I can keep him again tonight" Michael questioned,

"Yeah-Yeah I'm fine" I assured him. He nodded and I got in the driver's seat, and we headed back to my house.


"DUKE!" Landyn yelled as soon as we walked inside. Duke was just as happy to see Landyn as Landyn was him. I smiled and sat Landyn's bag down,

"How about we order pizza for dinner in a little while?" I suggested. Landyn nodded with a grin then bounced over to the back door,

"Can we play?" he beamed up at me. I nodded because I had actually bought something the other day for here for him to play with.

I guided him to the yard and I saw him grin,

"Soccer goal!" he smiled,

"Yeah. I got it the other day so we could play" I told him,

"Thank you!" he hugged my legs then ran to get the ball out of the net.

Landyn pushed me towards the goal, telling me I was the goalie while he dribbled around and shot on me. I blocked a few but let most go in. Duke came out in the yard and was chasing Landyn around because of the ball.

Landyn kicked one last goal then lifted his arms for me to pick him up,

"Can we eat pizza now?" He asked, laying his head on my shoulder,

"Yeah" I nodded, seeing as it was already 6. We had been playing for a while,

"Why don't we get you a bath while we wait for it to get here" I suggested. Landyn nodded and once we were inside, I put him down.

I ordered the pizza then took Landyn into the bathroom and filled the tub, letting him hop in.

"Thank you for letting me sleepover" Landyn spoke politely as I wrapped him in a towel after his bath,

"You're welcome buddy. You can come over anytime you want" I told him. He giggled and nodded.

I helped him get dressed- the little dinosaur boxers with the matching pjs- and we headed back down the hall as pizza arrived.

We ate on the couch then watched Toy Story- well tried but Landyn fell asleep. I turned the movie off and lifted Landyn, carrying him to my spare room.

I laid him in bed and tucked him in, then put pillows around the edge. I plugged a nightlight in, then left the room, and going into mine. I didn't close my door- I left it open in case Landyn needed something.

I was only asleep for what felt like an hour, then the sound of sniffling and a hand hitting my arm. I opened my eyes and peered over to Landyn,

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed,

"I'm sorry" he started bawling,

"What's wrong? Why are you sorry?" I asked then picked him up, instantly knowing why he was crying. His whole bottom was wet,

"Did you have an accident?" I asked, standing with him in my arms. He nodded and rubbed his eyes,

"It's alright. Let's get you cleaned up"

I carried Landyn into my bathroom where his bag was. I sat him on the counter while I dug through, then it suddenly hit me the one thing that caused the mess- I didn't put a pull up on him. I know he wears pull ups to bed and underwear during the day. Maddie literally told me to put him in a pull up,

"Bud, I'm so sorry. I forgot to put a pull up on you"

I was mentally hitting myself. I screwed up.

I quickly got Landyn cleaned up, into a pull up and into one of my shirts. It was massive but it worked,

"You can sleep in here with me" I put him in my bed and climbed in too, after retrieving his blankie and giraffe of course. Duke cuddled up too and we all fell back to sleep.

< next day >

Maddie walked in while Landyn and I we're eating breakfast. As soon as Landyn saw her, he was hugging her,

"I missed you" she hugged him and kissed his face,

"How was he for you Cal?" Maddie walked over and pecked my lips,

"He was perfect" I smiled and pulled her on my lap once Landyn ran off,

"Mikey told me what Landyn said about you being his dad one day" she spoke a little weary, "I'll talk to him. I'm sorry he said it"

"No it's okay. I promise" I assured her. She studied my face for a minute then nodded,

"How was the trip?" I asked, kissing her,

"Much needed" she sighed, letting her head hit my shoulder,

"Why's Landyn in your shirt?" She asked,

"I,uh, I forgot to put him in a pull up. He fell asleep on the couch and I wasn't thinking. He had an accident" I told her, nervous that I may have just screwed up,

"It's okay Calum. It's an accident. You know how many times I've forgotten to do that" she laughed, rubbing her hand through my hair,

"I just don't want to screw up" I sighed,

"You're not screwing up" she whispered, our lips ghosting each other, "You're doing just fine"

Finally our lips pressed together, for longer than a couple seconds.

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