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< December >

{ Calum }

We got back from tour a week ago. Landyn was with Luke for the day while Crystal and Maddie are going Christmas shopping. With all of them occupied, Michael and I are turning my guest room into an actual bedroom for Landyn. It was time he got one. He's here a lot and I want him to have his own space instead of having to go into the guest room where it's boring and not kid-like.

Maddie has no idea I'm doing this. She may kill me but that's okay. I love that kid like he's my own blood and I'd do whatever to make him feel like he's got a dad and a stable home.

"Do you think Maddie will be mad at me?" I asked Michael as we put the bed together. I had bought all new furniture. I wanted it to be new for Landyn and not feel like something I just threw together,

"I think she'll be in shock then she'll cry," Michael told me. I nodded and stayed quiet as we finished up the bed and moved onto the dresser,

"You really love them don't you?" Michael spoke up. My head shot up to look at him and I sat back on my butt,

"You have no idea. I wish I would've known Maddie longer. I've never fallen so hard for someone. I love her Mike" I confessed,

"What about Landyn?"

"I wish he was mine. I never thought I'd be a dad honestly. Then Maddie came with him. I fell in love with the kid. I wish I could've stopped what he went through. I didn't realize how much that kid really meant until the school incident. I was a wreck. I lost it. I was so mad that someone hurt him. God, I'd do anything for that kid to be mine" I told him.

"When we were in Europe and Landyn stayed with Crys and me in the hotel, we were talking. He told me that he wished you were his dad" Michael spoke and I saw him getting choked up and a tear roll down his cheek, "He told me that you played with him, tucked him in bed, help him with whatever. But what got me was when he said that you told him you loved him and his dad never said that"

I felt a tear fall from my own eye,

"I swear to you Mike, I'm not letting him or Maddie go" I promised. Michael nodded and hugged me,

"Let's get this kid's room done"


I stood back and admired the work. It looked good and I was excited to show Landyn and Maddie,

"What the fuck?" I heard, Michael and I both spinning seeing Maddie and Crystal.

"Cal?" Maddie's voice wavered as she looked at the room, "You did this?"

"I-I yeah" I sighed, "Are you mad?"

"What!? Oh no, I'm not upset" she started to cry. I was panicking. I looked at Michael and he and Crystal left my house,

"Why are you crying?" I asked, hugging her,

"Just, he's never had someone love him so much to do this" her voice muffled into my chest. I pulled her back gently,

"Maddie, I told you I'd love him like he's my own and I do. I did this because I'm going to treat him as my own and because I love him like my own"

She nodded and hugged me tighter,

"I have another question?" I pulled her back once more, "Can I spend the rest of the day and night with just Landyn? Like a bro night?"

Maddie chuckled and nodded,

"I think he'd really like that. Plus, that lets me wrap presents" she laughed.


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