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< Friday >

{ Calum }

"Daddy! Wake up" I heard as a body climbed on mine and a finger poked my cheek. Obviously, I knew it was Landyn by his voice, but also because I could feel the boot in my side.

I peeked my eyes open and Landyn grinned, lightly hitting my chest,

"Happy birthday" he grinned, leaning down and hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back, looking at Maddie who was standing at the side of the bed, holding a few plates of food, with a smile,

"Happy birthday babe" Maddie leaned over and pecked my lips.

Landyn moved off of me and sat crisscrossed on the bed. Maddie handed me a plate and gave Landyn his before settling next to me with hers,

"Thank you" I smiled at the two of them, "This looks good"

"I helped!" Landyn raised his hand, almost knocking the plate off his lap,

"Lanny" Maddie tossed her stern voice out. Landyn stopped wiggling and ate.

When Landyn finished eating, he set his plate on the side table and left the room, claiming he "had cartoons to watch".

When Maddie and I finished, I moved our plates away and grabbed her, pulling her on top of me,

"Hi" she giggled against my lips,

"Hi" I laughed, pressing my lips to hers. Maddie's hands held my shoulders as I deepened the kiss, my tongue slipping between her lips,

"As much as I love making out with you" she pecked my lips, "Landyn and I did get you a present"

"Mads, you didn't have to get me anything" I sighed, sitting up with her in my lap,

"Sucks cause we did" she smirked, getting off my lap and bed.

I got out of bed too and followed her out to the living room, seeing a large wrapped item on the coffee table,

"What the hell did you all get me?" I laughed, kneeling in front of the table,

"It's super cool" Landyn nodded, moving his eyes from Paw Patrol to me.

I slowly unwrapped it, gasping when I saw what it was. It was a beautiful purple bass with an amazing design full of color on it,

"This is too much" I shook my head, "but thank you"

"Play it!" Landyn cheered. I smiled and sat next to him. I had to tune it first but then I played a couple of cords,

"I will definitely play this on tour" I grinned.


It was 8 pm and Maddie disappeared to get ready to go out. Kylie came and picked Landyn up earlier because we were going out to a club tonight.  I was already dressed- jeans with no holes, a button-down shirt, and boots- and sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone, stopping when I saw Maddie's post:



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