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< April >
< Wednesday >

{ Maddie }

I heard giggles coming from down the hall, making me smile as I woke up. I let them continue for a little bit, grabbing my phone seeing birthday texts and post, but Calum's post sticking out the most,


liked by crystalleigh and 232,329 others 👥:maddiewalker @calumhood: Happy Birthday Babe! I love you so much

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liked by crystalleigh and 232,329 others
@calumhood: Happy Birthday Babe! I love you so much. I'm so glad you came into my life almost a year ago (and now we're engaged). You're the strongest woman I know and the best mom to Landyn. I love you❤️
^@maddiewalker: thank you Cal. I love you❤️


I finally decided to get up when the giggles got louder and I could hear Landyn just laughing up a storm.

I walked down the hall, stopping in the entryway when I saw Calum and Landyn. They both had their backs to me and were both just in pajama pants- pajama pants that they didn't go to bed in. They had music going and were making breakfast and singing,

"I like waking up to this" I spoke, making them jump and turn around,

"MOMMY!" Landyn yelled and ran to me, jumping up in my arms,

"Good morning bubby" I kissed his head,

"Oh oh! Happy Birthday Mommy" he grinned and wiggled out of my arms then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the table, "Me and Daddy got you present"

"Thank you" I grinned as Duke barked by the back door,

"Can you take him in the backyard Lanny?" Calum asked. Landyn nodded and slipped on his Crocs that just happened to be by the back door then took Duke outside.

I walked over to Calum, wrapping my arms around him, letting my head rest against his bare back. Soon the tattooed arm snuck around and pulled me around so we were chest to chest,

"Happy birthday love" he kissed my lips, his hands holding my waist,

"Thank you babe" I smiled, "Can I ask why neither of you are in the pajamas you went to bed in?"

Calum laughed and lifted me to sit on the counter next to the stove and went back to finishing breakfast,

"I was holding Landyn while we were getting everything out. He tried holding it too long then he just peed on me"

"I'm sorry" I frowned. I can't get Landyn to not pee himself,

"No biggie" Calum shook it off, but it was a biggie. He's four. He should be going to the bathroom on his own with maybe a few accidents here and there. But he's having accidents all the time,

"Hey, it's okay" Calum gently moved my head by my chin, "It's your birthday. Be happy"

I smiled and leaned forward, hugging him while Duke and Landyn came back inside,

"I'm hungry" Landyn whined, attaching to Calum's leg,

"Good thing breakfast is ready" Calum cheered and ushered us to the table.


We were about to go to Michael and Crystal's for my 'birthday party' but the boys wouldn't let me leave until I opened my presents. They had gotten me a candle, lotion, a gift card, a Yeti tumblr with a margarita decal, and a Yeti wine tumblr,

"Thank you guys" I smiled, kissing Landyn's head and Calum's lips,

"Mommy take your cup to Uncle Mikey's!" Landyn bounced, dressed in his swim trunks and Crocs only,

"I will" I promised, grabbing the regular tumblr and following them out to Calum's Range Rover.


We got to Mike and Crystal's and entered the backyard using the gate,

"Happy Birthday!" everyone screamed making me jump back into Calum,

"Thank you" I smiled, moving around and hugging everyone,

"Girl go put your bathing suit on" Crystal pushed me towards the house,

"Okay okay" I laughed, picking up our bag, "Make sure Landyn puts his floatie on"

I stepped into the house and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. But the door was stopped and Calum slipped in the bathroom with me, closing and locking the door behind us,

"Is Landyn's floatie on?" I asked, grabbing our swimsuits out of the bag,

"Yes Maddie. Stop worrying. We have it. It's your birthday. Relax" he sighed, pulling his mesh shorts off and replacing them with swim trunks. I pulled my clothes off and put my bikini on, holding my top string and turning around for Calum,

"Can you tie it?"

I saw him kid in the mirror then take the strings from my hand, tying it.

When he finished, I was going to turn around, but Calum pulled me flush against him. I could feel his hard-on pressing against my ass,

"I see" I hummed,

"Don't say anything" he teased then his hands ran down the sides of my body, sending chills. He reached my bottoms and dipped his hand inside,

"Someone's wet" he sang in my ear as his fingers ran through my folds. My ass pushed back against him, making him groan in my ear,

"Baby, we don't have time" I sighed,

"We can be quick" he tugged my bottoms down, his following. He put one of my legs up on the counter and held my back to his chest as he fisted his cock. He ran his tip through my folds, making me push back against him until he finally pushed in.

I moaned and tossed my head back to capture Calum's lips.

His thrusts were quick and his thumb was harshly rubbing circles to my clit. He knew this had to be fast.

I clenched around him, making him moan then thrust harder,

"Almost there baby" he hummed in my ear. I whined until he said "Cum baby"

We both came down from the quick high. Calum cleaned us up and we got redressed and made our way out back where everyone was in the pool.


The sun went down and we had pizza and were now hanging by the fire. I was curled up in Calum's side while Landyn was curled up to my chest, sound asleep.

I've never really celebrated my birthday but today was nice. It was nice just being with my people. I like that we can just have moments like this.

Calum tapped my arm and made me look up at him, breaking my thoughts,

"I love you"

"I love you too Cal"

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