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< Friday >

{ Maddie }

"I don't know Crystal. Maybe I should just stay home" I panicked as she, Sierra, KayKay, and I started driving out of Los Angeles,

"Landyn is fine. You aren't backing out" Crystal told me.

The girls had planned a weekend girls trip to Palm Springs. We're leaving now (Friday), in the morning, and coming back Sunday. Landyn was staying with Michael tonight and Calum tomorrow.

"He's going to be fine. I can promise you that those guys aren't going to let anything happen to him" Sierra assured me. I nodded and took a breath,

"I just haven't left him for this long before. The longest he's been away from me is just a day" I sighed,

"We know" KayKay softly smiled.

I sat in the front seat, looking out the window when my phone buzzed. I quickly looked at it and saw it was an email from the school I enrolled Landyn in for the fall:


gardnerpreschool: Your child, Landyn Walker, has been accepted into Gardner Preschool and will be in Miss Julia Weaver's class. Orientation will be on Sunday, July 29 2018, at 3:00. Please have the attached forms and the $45 enrollment fee with you to be turned in.

We look forward to meeting you and your child!

-Gardner Preschool Staff


"Landyn's officially going to be a preschooler" I sighed as I set a reminder on my phone to fill the papers out, even though I have over a month to do them.

"No way. He's that old?" Sierra gasped,

"He turns four at the end of July. So he will be one of the younger ones in his class" I smiled, but kind of sad he's growing up,

"We have to have a birthday party for him!" KayKay proposed. Crystal and I looked at each other then sighed,

"We totally would but we are actually going on a trip for his birthday," I told them,

"Aww" Sierra smiled, "Where are you guys going?"

"We're going on a Disney Cruise. Landyn saw it on tv and has been begging to do it. I figured we might as well and after what he's been through, he deserves it" I laughed,

"I'm so excited" Crystal squealed.

We continued to drive and finally made it to the hotel we were staying at. Crystal and I were in one room while Sierra and KayKay were in the adjoining. As soon as we had put our stuff down, we opened the door between rooms, changed, and hit the pool.

I laid out on the chair, margarita in my hand, and sunglasses on. I haven't relaxed like this in a long time,

"I know it's only been a few hours, but how is this mommy break so far?" Sierra asked,

"Much needed" I smiled, "There's been a lot going on recently"

"What?" Crystal narrowed her eyes. I froze. I had told her and Mike that Josh had shown up a couple of times, but not about the break-in,

"Josh's been showing up, as you know, but he broke in the other day and trashed my place" I muttered,

"What! And you didn't tell me? Did you stay the night there? Why didn't you call us?" she was spitting questions out,

"Crys, it's fine. The cops were there when we got home. Then I called Calum and he took us to his for the night" I assured her,

"Woah! You and Cal?" KayKay smirked,

"There's is an us, but it's all slow- for both mine and Landyn's sake," I told them. They all squealed and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Once it got a little too hot to sit out of the pool, we got in and stayed off to the side. Even though this was more of an adult hotel, there were quite a few kids here, so we tried to stay out of their way so they could play.

After a long day at the pool, we went back up to our rooms to get ready to go to dinner and a club,

I pulled on the tight dress and heels and walked into the bathroom. I stood in the mirror and did my makeup,

"You look good" Crystal entered. I just shrugged,

"Maddie, please have a little confidence. I know Josh has your brain wired that you don't look good and that you're a punching bag- but you're not Mads" Crystal spoke. I looked down,

"Okay," I mumbled.

< next morning >

We all woke up with massive hangovers. We ordered room service for breakfast then headed down to the spa.

We were all in the same room together, lightly talking amongst ourselves as we were worked on, talking about the upcoming week,

"I'm being dragged to the studio with the boys. Apparently, they need me for something" Sierra groaned,

"I have to shoot a magazine" KayKay mumbled,

"I only have to work Monday" Crystal cheered,

"I've got a huge ass research report to do this week" I sighed,

"What do you even do? I've never once heard you talk about your job" KayKay questioned,

"I'm a marine biologist. I basically do a bunch of research and I keep an eye on a lot of aquariums and how their animals are doing. I also monitor cameras we have in the ocean" I explained,

"Yeah that's cool" Sierra grinned.

We got back to our rooms and I quickly checked my phone, checking for a text from the guys about Landyn, but I didn't have one,

"He's fine" Crystal assured me. I nodded and quickly changed to go down to the pool to enjoy our last full day here.

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