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< Christmas Day >

{ Maddie }

I woke up in a quiet apartment. Landyn was still asleep and I had convinced Calum to go home and spend time with his family.

I got up and brushed my teeth and hair, getting ready for when Calum and his family come over.

I left my room and started putting Landyn's presents under the tree and started a pot of coffee.

As I walked back into my main area, I heard the front door unlocking and open. Calum walked in first, carrying a large bag full of presents. His family followed, all with gifts in their hands too,

"Merry Christmas" Calum pecked my lips then they all sat the presents down, but away from Landyn's Santa presents. Except Calum sat some with them.

"Merry Christmas honey" Joy hugged me. I hugged both David and Mali as well. Duke took his place on his bed I have here and went back to sleep. A few seconds later, I heard Landyn calling for me,

"Can I get him?" Calum perked. I nodded and he bounced off into Landyn's room.

He came back with Landyn smiling brightly in his arms,

"Merry Christmas baby boy" I kissed his little face as Calum sat him on the couch and propped his leg up.

"S-Santa came!" He grinned, pointing to all his presents, "A-A b-bike M-mommy!"

I smiled. He wanted a bike so bad. So I found a Spider-Man one for him and a plain black helmet. I feel bad he can't ride it yet with his leg,

"How about you open your other presents then we will push you around on your bike" I suggested. He nodded and Calum started bringing him things to open. You could tell Landyn was itching to get up and grab his own stuff. He kept going to get up but would huff and sit back,

Landyn started ripping the paper off, throwing it onto the floor revealing his presents,

"W-Woody!" he grinned, holding the toy up, "B-Buzz"

"Looks like Santa did get your letter" I smiled. Landyn giggled and just kept opening up his presents- the Santa and everyone else's to him mixing together- getting new cars and trucks, a few dinosaurs, each Avenger action figure, some Legos, and the rest of the Toy Story crew.

"I-I-I c-can take s-some t-t-trucks and c-cars to D-Daddy's" Landyn smiled,

"You can" Calum smiled, "You have a toy box there now".

We moved onto everyone else. Joy, David, and Mali opened theirs, then Calum handed me mine- one from him and one from Landyn.

I opened my one from Calum first, pulling out the cutest white Louis Vuitton purse with a matching wallet,

"Cal" I smiled, "Thank you"

"You're welcome babe" he pecked my lips. Landyn pushed us apart and pointed to his gift to me. I started opening it and found a velvet box, gasping when I saw the necklace,

"Did you pick this out?" I asked. Landyn proudly nodded,

"Put-put it on" he hit Calum's arm, making everyone laugh. Calum stood with me and secured the necklace. I turned in Calum's arms to look up at him,

"Thank you" I whispered,

"Of course"


David and Calum started unboxing Landyn's presents while I went to start breakfast- pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage, just like Landyn requested.

Arms snaked around my waist and Calum's chin rested on my shoulder,

"Want some help?" he kissed my cheek. I nodded and turned in his arms, pecking his lips.

We got to work while listening to the giggles coming from the living room. Landyn was loving having all these people here. We usually spend Christmas as just us two, so it was fun having others with us.

Calum and I got the table set and everyone gathered. I picked Landyn up and put him in his seat, seeing a little pout,

"What's wrong?" I whispered, trying to not draw too much attention to him,

"Want t-to w-walk" he whined,

"I know bubby" I kissed his head, "But we go back to the doctor soon and they said you might be able to"

He sighed but nodded and I got him a plate together, along with his chocolate milk,

"Eat up bub then we will play some more"


Joy and Mali helped me clean up breakfast, then we all gathered around while Landyn and Calum built Landyn's new Lego airplane,

"So when are you all coming to Australia?" David asked, making Calum laugh,

"I'll bring them soon. Don't worry"

"S-see k-kangaroo" Landyn nodded excitedly,

"Oh I will definitely show you a kangaroo" Calum promised.


Calum's family went back to his house, but he stayed. I got Landyn tucked into bed, then joined Calum in my room. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, then came back and saw Calum sitting on the edge of my bed,

"You okay?" I asked, standing between his legs. He looked up and rested his hands on my hips,

"Your lease is up next week isn't it?" he asked,

"Yeah. I need to go to renew it actually" I shrugged,

"Don't" he shook his head, "I want you and Landyn to move in with me"

I was taken back for a minute, studying his face,

"Look, Mads, I love you and I love Landyn. I want this, but I understand if you're not ready. We can wa-"

I cut him off by kissing his lips,

"So is that a yes?" he grinned. I nodded and he kissed me again,

"I love you" I mumbled against his lips,

"Love you more"

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