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< Thursday >

{ Maddie }

I picked Landyn up from Crystal and we headed downtown for his therapy session. He's been seeing a therapist since his dad went to jail. Landyn needs a lot of help recovering, even if he doesn't show it much. It's mainly his sleep. He relives everything. At almost four years old, he's already been diagnosed with PTSD and Anxiety. They've even put him on watch for Depression.

I parked in the parking garage and helped Landyn out of the car, taking his hand and leading him into the building. We hopped on the elevator from the third level and Landyn hit the button for the sixth floor.

My son's hand was shaking in mine and he was squeezing his stuffed giraffe to his chest with his other. He gets like this every time, but as soon as he's in there, he's fine.

"Landyn Walker for Dr. Kate," I told the receptionist. It was a different lady at the desk than usual. Dr. Kate came out seconds later and took us back. Landyn went in with the doctor, his stuffed giraffe tight in his hand, while I took a seat right outside the office.

I scrolled through my phone while Landyn was in his session.

An hour later, Dr. Kate's door opened and she and Landyn walked out,

"I'm going to talk to Mom for a minute okay?" She told Landyn. He nodded and sat in the seat I was previously in. I followed the therapist in and took a seat,

"Is everything okay?" I asked. Usually, she just emails me what happened,

"He was very happy today," she told me with a smile, "He has never been as happy as he was today"

"Can I ask what he said?" I questioned. I know she can tell me because that's the paper we signed when we first came,

"He talked about Calum. He's never mentioned Calum before" she told me,

"Yeah. He's kinda new in our lives. He and I are, we're not dating exactly, but it's going there" I explained,

"Landyn told me that he spent the day with Calum. He told me everything they did. He also told me how happy he is that he met Calum. He said Calum makes him happy and he makes you happy. He went on and on. This Calum, Landyn adores him" she smiled, "This was a big moment. He's typically shy, won't say anything until I ask. Today he jumped right in and spoke about Calum. He was all we talked about"

My heart was swelling,

"I'll see you guys next week" she smiled.

Landyn and I left the office and got back in the car, going home,

"Dr. Kate told me you were really happy today" I spoke, taking a glance at Landyn in the mirror,

"I was happy" he giggled, "I told her about Calum and how he makes me happy and you happy"

"I'm really glad you're happy" I smiled,

"Mommy, I'm glad you're happy. Daddy was mean and made you sad. I don't like you sad" Landyn spoke, bringing tears to the brim of my eyes,

"I love you Landyn" I told him,

"I love you too Mommy" he smiled.

We got home and I grabbed my work bag and purse and helped Landyn out, heading to our section of the complex.

We walked up the stairs where I was met with two police officers, standing in front of my open door,

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