The Happy Ending

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VC-Liv-So...Dean showed up earlier today and then...he left....*wipes tear* What a way to ruin my day. Silly me thought that he was going to be here with me and id get to show him off and rub it in Renee's face but...he's gone again. This fucking sucks.

VC-Producer-At least you still have Finn though....right?

VC-Liv-*eyes widen*Ummm.....yea. Sure.

VC-Producer-You're over him already?

VC-Liv-*sighs*Look, Finn is amazing and I was really looking forward to getting to know him a bit better but then Dean showed up and now im hurting and im in a pissy mood and I dont even want to have fun anymore. Its not Finn's fault.

Alexa, Mandy and Lana found Liv sitting on the balcony by herself.

VC-Lana-After hearing about Liv and Dean's whole....relationship? I dont know if I can call it that because I dont think they have one. Anyway, after learning about their situation, im super suspicious of Dean. He just seems very sketchy. And part of me thinks that he's maybe using Liv.

"Liv, im going to be honest."said Mandy, "We all think that Dean is being really shady."

"He comes all the way here yet he wouldn't even stay for you?"said Alexa.

"And not only that, you told us he keeps coming and going."Lana added, "This may be hard to hear sweetie but we feel like Dean is using you. Just take a look at how he's acting. You've been seeing him for months now and he still wouldn't commit. You dont know what he's really doing out there Liv. He could be cooking meth somewhere in a trailer for all you know."

Liv scoffed, "Guys, I appreciate this but I dont want to hear it right now. You dont know him like I do."

"We dont want you getting hurt by him again."Mandy said.

"I literally dont-"

"Stop arguing with us and just listen. Please."Lana said.

Liv rolled her eyes.

"Take a look at how he kicked Renee to the curb. He could do that to you to."Lana said.

"He kicked her to the curb because of me!"Liv fired back.

"Thats what you think."

"Oh my god."Liv groaned.

VC-Liv-I feel like im getting lectured by my parents right now. What the hell is this? Like seriously?

"Why would he be using me? What do I have?"Liv questioned, "He never asks me for money, he's not using me for clout because nobody even knew about us, theres nothing he can be using me for. And its not like he's using me for sex either because he's gone the majority of the time."

"He's probably using you just to have a place to stay at. Doesn't he stay with you and your mom?"Mandy asked.

"Did you not hear me? He's gone half of the time. Plus, Dean would sleep in a dumpster if he has to. Its definitely not that."

"Just because he's gone the majority of the time doesn't mean he's not just using you for your body."Lana said.

"Oh, like you did?"Liv lashed out.

Lana was taken aback.

"Im done with this guys."Liv stood up from her seat and began walking away, "I dont need to be lectured by you. You guys dont even know what the hell you're talking about. Stop assuming!"

VC-Mandy-I dont understand Liv's infatuation with Dean of all people. Liv is stunning-and I dont compliment just anyone. She's too pretty to be killing herself over a guy whose socks most likely has holes in them.

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