I Want You Back

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The front entrance doors to the house opened.

"Hi bitches!!!"a platinum blonde girl greeted everyone as she ran inside and did a twirl.

Mandy gasped.

"Wow." Renee said in disappointment.

" Renee said in disappointment

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Mandy and Alexa rushed out of their seats to welcome their friend

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Mandy and Alexa rushed out of their seats to welcome their friend.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" Mandy said to her as she gave her a hug.

"Wait, who's ex are you? Finn or Jey's?"Mickie asked.

"Lana's."she responded.

Randy nearly spat out his drink.

VC-Randy-Woah......we were not expecting this. Lana and Liv?................Nice.

VC-Liv-Whats up everyone! My name is Liv Morgan and my ex is surprise surprise, Lana.

At the same time, Lana walked through the doors.

"Lana, you didnt tell us you swung both ways."Nia said to her.

"I dont....I...this is so unnecessary."

VC-Liv-Lana and I developed a friendship around last year. I was fresh off of The Challenge, still heartbroken. And she was recently divorced and trying to find herself. And yea, we became really good friends. Like-best friends. We realized that we were each other's shoulder to cry on. We were both going through some shitty situations at the time and we were there for each other. We helped each other through it mentally, emotionally and.....sexually. She was my first experience with a girl and I honestly thought that she turned me out but then...she just.....started drifting away from me. I thought that the relationship that we developed was really special and really deep but....she began ghosting me. She wouldnt answer my calls or my texts. I didnt know if I had done something or said something to turn her off. I mean...this is the fucking second time that ive gotten close to someone just to have them push me away at the end. What the fuck is up with that? I dont get it.

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