Crush Ceremony pt 1

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"Can everyone gather in here real quick?"Dolph called out from in the kitchen.

VC-Dolph-The past three weeks has been a ride. I know a lot of us dislike each other but whatever. Lets end this show with some togetherness.

All of the housemates were gathered in the kitchen, each holding a shot glass filled with either liquor or non alcoholic wine.

"Its kind of tradition that the cast get together, put all their differences aside and toast to the journey we all have been on."Dolph said as he was standing on top of a table, "This is our last night here. Grab somebody, give them a kiss. Let them know how much you love them. And lets cheers to Ex On The Beach! Cheers guys!"

"Cheers!"Everyone all repeated as they took their shot.

"I love you Finn!"Seth said after he took his shot, "Im not going to kiss you though."

"I wouldn't want to make you fall in love with me."Finn replied.


The Crush Ceremony

VC-Sasha-So tonight is the Crush Ceremony, that means we have to decide who we'll be leaving the island with. All day long ive been battling with this decision. I still have no idea what im going to do. Do I try to patch things up with Ro or do I just let him go. I....dont know.

"Hello everyone....and welcome to the Crush Ceremony."Shawn greeted the housemates.

They were all right back at the setup where the Cut or Crush and the Truth Ceremonies had taken place. As always, the singles sat separately from the exes.

"After three long, eventful weeks tonight, we all say goodbye. For some of you, this could be goodbye forever."Shawn said, "Tonight at the Crush Ceremony, singles, you each will have one very important decision to make. That decision is....whether you'll be leaving the show with your ex, your next yourself. That was the purpose of the show right? To answer the question, are you truly over your ex? Last night's Truth Ceremony unfortunately gave us those answers. A lot of you pretend to be over your exes....but you're lying to yourself. As you can see behind me, there's a necklace."

Shawn gestured to a golden necklace that had the word 'crush' on it as its pendant.

"This is a crush necklace. We have eleven of them. Singles, you will be presenting this necklace to the person that you want to leave The Bahamas with. This necklace is a symbol of moving on. Its a symbol of closing chapters. Its a symbol of new love. If nobody is worthy of this necklace, you can present it to yourself if you'd like to leave here alone. All of you have been on a rollercoaster of emotion lately. Make tonight worth it. With that being said, lets begin shall we? Charlotte, we'll start with you."

Charlotte walked up to Shawn. She took the crush necklace in her hands.

"So Charlotte, is there anybody here that you'd like to present that crush necklace too?"he asked.

She took some time before she answered.

"Well Shawn, ive kind of been on my own since I got here. I dont think dating shows are for me. I had a few exes come. One's still here. And you mention that if there's nobody worthy enough of this necklace that I can present it to myself. So...that's what i'll be doing."she said as she draped the necklace around her neck, "Sonya, it was nice seeing you over it. Im not second place to anyone. No exceptions."

Everyone applauded her (except for Sonya who seemed annoyed).

"Well Charlotte,it was great having you here. Theres a car waiting for you out front. Have a safe trip home."said Shawn.

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