Lean On Me

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It was around 8pm in the EOTB house and the party had just kicked off.

GC-Mandy and Alexa

Mandy- *with a drink in her hand* A lot of people are stressed and tense right now so we're going to take the night to get rid of all of that. Are you planning on hooking up with anyone tonight Lex?

Alexa- *hopelessy shrugs* I dunno. Lets see where the night takes me.

Mandy-Oh my god, where is your party spirit? Loosen up. I thought you were excited for tonight?

Alexa-Im just not feeling it anymore.

Mandy-Listen, we're going to have a lot of fun tonight okay. Stop being a Debby downer.


Since the theme of the party was 'Fire and Desire' the house mates were all dressed in their fanciest outfits. The girls rocked their high heels and tight dresses with their makeup and hair done looking like sultry goddesses while the men wore either suits or shirts and dress pants, all looking like fancy rich bachelors. They all basically looked like they were dressed for a wedding reception.

And since Mandy came up with the idea and theme for the party, she requested that everyone drink either wine or champagne for the entire night.

However Jey was already on his second beer.

GC-Nia and Mandy

Nia-Why is the theme fire and desire?

Mandy-Because we're desireable when we look fiery hot.

Nia-Pft, okay.

As the night rolled on, so did the fun. But a party couldnt patch up the cracks in the house. In due time, shit was going to hit the fan.

VC-Mickie-Im trying to have fun and let loose but literally right in front of my eyes im seeing Lana and Bobby basically eating each other's face out. Thats ruining my whole night and stopping me from enjoying myself. I know its easy to say 'just get over it' but....it bothers me. I cant seem to not let it bother me.

Charlotte headed over to the home bar where Mickie was. She saw Mickie just standing around, sipping from her glass there. It was almost like she was avoiding everyone.

"Everything okay?"Charlotte asked her, grabbing a bottle of wine from the rack.

"Not really."

"Its Bobby isnt it?"


"I figured. Ive been seeing him and Lana spending
a lot of time together."

Mickie sighed, "I was so dumb to think he actually came here for me you know?"

Charlotte stepped closer to her, "You're not dumb, he's dumb. You shouldn't be letting a guy like that get to you. Clearly he couldnt handle a woman, thats why he went for Lana."

Mickie laughed, "Id like to think so."

"Forget about him. Lets go outside and get a drink."

Mickie nodded, "Sure."

VC-Charlotte-I like Mickie. She's very down to earth and I respect her a whole lot. Trust me, its not easy for someone to gain my respect but...Mickie has. Id like to get to know her a bit more.

11:37 pm

"Here's to drinking away the pain!"Nia yelled as she raised her glass in the air.

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