Full House

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Zelina was seen rolling her suitcases to the front entrance door of the house.

"Zelina are you sure you want to do this?"a producer asked her.

"If I wasnt sure do you think id bother to pack all my stuff? You guys better have a car waiting for me outside."

VC-Nia-I tried talking to Zelina about changing her decision to leave but...her mind's made up. On the contract it stated that the exes are allowed to leave whenever they want so...she has every right to.

"I hope we can still talk after this."Jey said as he walked up to her.

She forced a laugh, "......I hope....that whatever you came here for, you get. Obviously I didnt get what I came here for. You haven't really changed."

"Theres still a chance for us to fix things. You dont have to do this. You dont have to go."

"I dont want to be humiliated on tv anymore Jey."she said with tears at the corner of her eyes, "You came here for your experience so, by all means, enjoy it. If you really want to talk when you get back home then we can do that. But right now, this isnt the best place for you and me."

He sighed.

"Zelina, your car is waiting out front."a producer told her.

Jey reached out for a hug.

"Alright, take care. Have a safe flight home. I'll miss you. And....im sorry."he said as she was embraced tightly in his arms.

She was too choked up to respond.

Most of the other housemates rushed over to her to give her a good bye hug. After they all gave their farewells, Zelina walked out the doors.

VC-Zelina-Jey...is a very special person to me. He is someone that I want to be in my life forever. I feel like if I were to stay here....whatever is left of our friendship is going to get ruined even more. This atmosphere is way to toxic to try to grow a healthy relationship. Some of these people here are very toxic themselves. I want no part of it. Long story short, I did not accomplish what I came here for. My ex screwed me over again. As of right now, I am no longer an ex on the beach.


The Next Day

Ah, it was a brand new day at the EOTB house. The sun was shining in all its glory, the waves in the ocean beautifully crashed on the rocks, the gentle wind rustled the leaves of the trees. However, despite being in true paradise, every single person in the house was walking on eggshells.

For some of them, it was pretty hard trying to get a good night's rest because fear lingered in their minds; fear of what a new day would bring them.

VC-Charlotte-Its kind of hard for us to be relaxed in this house. Which sucks because this house is everything. Everyone is just so...tense. Its either some of us are dealing with exes we dont want to be dealing with or some of us are expecting an ex that we dont want to see. A lot of us are very uneasy right now.

"So have you talked to Charlotte yet?"Mandy asked Sonya.

They were sitting out on the front porch having avocado toast for breakfast.

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