The Big Reveal

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It was a beautiful morning in the Ex On The-sorry, The Love At The Beach house. Sunshine peered through the tall glass windows of the shared bedroom as the birds outside sang their melodious tunes.

Lana and Randy were seen still tangled in the bedsheets together, as well as Alexa and Finn.

VC-Alexa-I don't take up much bed space so...why not share a bed with someone? We kept each other nice and warm last night.

Mandy was seen doing her morning skin care routine. Charlotte was seen on the treadmill breaking a sweat. Mickie and Seth were whipping up breakfast for everyone. Dolph was seen applying his spray tan and Jey was seen at the home bar mixing himself an alcoholic breakfast drink of Coca Cola and whiskey. No better way to kick off your day.

As these singles carried on with their peaceful morning, little did they know that their whole experience was about to be turned upside down in a matter of hours.


"Did you guys hook up last night?"Mandy asked Alexa over breakfast.  She was referring to Finn.

Alexa smiled as she said, "We did."

"Damn girl, you and Lana aren't wasting time."

"We were both tipsy and....we both wanted it so....we did it."

"In the bedroom?"

"In the hot tub when everyone left."

"What is it with you and hot tubs?" Mandy said as Alexa laughed.

"Do you see yourself getting serious with Finn?"she asked.

"I do actually. I feel like he's the kind of guy I need. He's so different to all the other guys ive dated. Maybe he's the one I should have been with all this time."

"Well......last night I heard Seth telling Mickie that he was hoping to pursue something with you but Finn's in the way."


Mandy nodded.

"Him and I haven't really talked since we hooked up on Rivals. Plus like, I can't just blow Finn off you know."

"But you did kinda blow him off if you know what I mean."Mandy nudged her.

"Oh my god."Alexa laughed and pushed her, "No but I'm serious. Finn and I started something, I can't just leave him high and dry for Seth."

"But....if given the opportunity, would you give Seth a chance?"

"To be honest....I don't ever see myself and Seth being together. With Finn, I can see it but, with Seth....I think him and I are meant to be hook up buddies only."

"You sound like Paige."

VC-Alexa-Trust me, Seth and I have a lot of chemistry and sexual tension but....thats all we have. I cannot see him ever being a serious boyfriend and thats what I'm looking for at this point in my life. I think him and I have way too much baggage to actually be in a relationship together. I want to just focus on Finn and see where it goes.


It was around 12 in the afternoon and all 10 housemates were down at the beach soaking up the sunshine in their bathing suits while drinking out of pineapples.

VC-Lana-I absolutely love the beach. I love the sun. I love wearing bathing suits. I love the whole tropical vibe. On top of that I'm here with a sexy man. Im in paradise right now.

Everyone was seen having a good time to the music that played. They were relaxed. Not a care in the world. They knew their only responsibilities for the next four weeks were to fool around and try to find love.

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