A New Kind Of Day

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The Next Morning

"I made you coffee."Seth said to Alexa, handing her a cup as she made her way into the living room.

"Awwww thanks!"she said, taking the cup from him.

VC-Alexa-Last night, Seth and I sat down and really got to know each other. We spent hours out by the pool and as more time passed, the deeper our conversation got. When the party was over we actually went back into the living room and kept talking until we both fell asleep right on the sofa. Man like, I cant even tell you when was the last time I opened up to someone like that. But...now its the morning and I feel weird. I feel like maybe I should have kept some things to myself because like what if he judges me or tells somebody else about the things ive told him. I want to fully trust Seth but...he doesn't have the greatest reputation with trust.

"This tastes great. Good job."she said to Seth.

"Thanks. Made it myself."

"Oh did you Seth? Did you really?" Nia, who was also in the living room said, "I literally did all the work."

"She doesnt need to know that. Shhh."

Alexa laughed.

VC-Seth-I hope Alexa sees that im able to give her what she wants. We both are practically looking for the same things. Her and I are like two puzzle pieces that fit perfect together.

The silence of the peaceful, serene evening in the EOTB house was untimely interrupted by a sound that the housemates were still not very used too.

"Oh here we go again."Nia said as she turned her attention to where the sound was coming from.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and raced over to the elevator because by the sound of things, a Shack of Secrets was upon them.

VC-Zelina-Nia and Randy were the first ones to go into the Shack of Secrets and shit went from bad to worst between them. I can only imagine whats going to happen now. I know I said I wish I was the one getting to go through Jey's phone but.....mentally im not really prepared for that right now.

VC-Jey-My heart is racing man. After what happened last night with Mandy.....im thinking this Shack of Secrets could be about me. Like, what are the odds? Im just praying that this one has nothing to do with me.

As everyone waited around for the elevator to come to a stop, Zelina noticed Jey nervously pacing back and forth.

'Weird' she thought.

When the elevator came to a stop, Charlotte went and got the bottle

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When the elevator came to a stop, Charlotte went and got the bottle. She opened it and began reading what the paper inside it said.

It read:

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