Blast From The Past

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The Next Day (Day 15)

Paige, Sasha, Finn and Mickie were all seen sitting out by the pool around a table sipping on cocktails.

"And he was like, you caused this. And I just looked at him like....are you serious right now?" Paige was telling them.

She was giving them the run down of what went on between her and Seth last night.

"Am I the one that made Alexa do what she did? Am I the one that made her choose Adam? No! Why the HELL am I getting blamed? I had NO idea that he and Alexa had anything going on until I got here. He is such an idiot to be chasing after her while she chases after Adam. He basically brought this upon himself yet im being blamed."

"I warned him." Sasha said, "I told him that I think Alexa's here to give you the run around. But he was like no, she's changed, im in love, yadda yadda yadda. Finn, thank god you got out of that situation with her because then you'd be involved in a love rectangle."

"Im here, literally pouring my heart out for him. And he's constantly putting me on the backburner. But yet, he'd start a fight over Alexa. Are you kidding me?" Paige continued ranting.

"I think you need to put yourself in his shoes Paige."Finn said, "Just think of all the emotional stress he's gone through in the last few years. I think what happened last night wasnt necessarily because of Alexa or Adam. I think it was all the stress and anger finally coming to the surface and combusting."

"Yea and I also think its important that you give him space Paige."said Mickie, "I know you two have deep history but if he said that he needs time then I think you should respect that. He'll come to his senses soon enough. Pressuring him is going to make him a lot more agitated."

"But like....I want to care for him. I want to make him better. He keeps pushing me away. How is he supposed to heal if he's not going to let anybody in?"

"Like Mickie said, give him space. Let him cool off."Finn advised.

"The last time I did that he completely cut me off."

"Well if that's the case then stop trying to force it."Finn replied.

Paige sighed.

VC-Finn-Seth is someone im very close too, not only on this show but in general. During the first week we sat down and had a heart to heart conversation. Seth opened up to me about his problems and the things he went through in his previous relationships. He also told me that he doubted that he would fall in love with anyone here but....things ended up changing. So I cant imagine what its like for him believing that he wouldn't fall in love, then falling in love, then having it backfire.



Sasha was seen rolling her suitcases out to the front entrance door. She had taken the morning to carefully pack, hang out with everyone one last time and say her goodbyes.

VC-Nia-Im happy Sasha is mature enough to know when its time to leave. If she had stayed, especially after Roman found out that she lied, that would have given off major red flags.

Almost everyone was gathered to see Sasha off.

"Alright guys, its been awesome." Sasha said to everyone.

Jey, Mickie and Finn all gave her a hug.

"Take care Sasha."Cesaro said.

"Dont forget that lap dance. You're lucky you got that for free." said John.

She laughed.

VC-Sasha-I dont know what the future holds for Roman and I. Im nervous. It sucks so much because...god, I love him. I adore him. He's perfect. But we havent been clicking lately. Hopefully this is just a mid relationship crisis that'll eventually come to pass because I dont like the idea of him not being in my life anymore.

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