Triple Threat

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A/N-Alright I just wanted to clear one thing up. I know in real life Sasha uses a wig but in this universe her hair is dyed blue. In the previous books as well, her hair is natural, just dyed with extensions.
If you look at it realistically, it would probably be annoying for her to put on a whole ass wig every single day for the entirety of the show. Lets just pretend its real.


Currently Day 9

The early morning sunshine beamed through the large windows of the bedroom, hitting Alexa directly on her face causing her to wake up.

She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Seth next to her. She smiled. He was still asleep. He was a snorer but she didnt mind.

She pulled the covers over both of their heads to shield them from the sunlight as she cozied up to him even more. With one arm around her waist and even in his sleep, he hugged her little body tighter.

No pun intended but at that moment, Alexa was in total bliss.

"Where were you last night?"Mandy asked Nia.

Mandy, Nia and Sonya were all sitting around the dining table having breakfast and catching up on gossip.

Nia blushed, "Well....if you must know. Randy and I buried the hatched last night. And im not too proud of it but....then we went to the Getaway Room."

"Get out of here!"Sonya said in surprise.

"We had one last hoorah. It was amazing."

"At least you're getting action."Mandy saltily said, "Anyway, while you were busy charming Randy's snake, Sasha was wreaking havoc."

"What did she do?"

"Didnt you see all the broken glass everywhere this morning? That girl got so drunk last night. She was basically all over Finn. Her and Peyton got in a fight. Then her and Lana got into an argument. Then she almost broke a wine glass over my head."

"Wait-what? Are you serious?"

"It was crazy last night."Sonya agreed as she ate her pop tart.

"I dont think Peyton and Finn are speaking. Everything was going great between them until Sasha inserted herself." Said Mandy.

"Wait, so she was all over Finn?"Nia asked.

"Yea she was dancing on him, hugging him, holding his hand, touching on him. If you didnt know any better you would think something was going on. She couldn't seem to leave the guy alone. And Finn was doing absolutely nothing about it."

"If she thinks that she's going to cheat on my cousin and get away with it she's dead wrong. That aint happening as long as im here. I got my eye on her. In a matter of time im going to have to give her piece of my mind." Nia angrily said.

VC-Nia-I don't understand Sasha's logic. You're on a break with your man, you claim you're just here to have fun, you wanna fix things with Roman but you're over here throwing yourself all over Finn? Girl, my cousin is not going to be played like a fool. Its either you want him or you dont.


"Hey."Finn said to Peyton.

He found her sitting out by the pool alone having coffee.

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