Liv Your Life

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Everyone was seen entering back into the house after the Cut or Crush Ceremony was over.

"So you still not gonna talk to me?"Jey asked as he pulled Mandy aside.

"Oh, since Bianca's not here anymore now you care to talk to me?"

Jey groaned, "Mandy, come on-"

"Why didnt you crush her?"

"Because I knew that would make you upset. So I didnt. It wasnt even that important to me anyway."

"So you're not angry that I got her out?"

"Angry? If her leaving means that you and I can get back on the same page then bon voyage. I dont care. Im actually kinda glad you did what you did. I dont want no more drama."

She smiled.

"Are we good now? Can we forget what happened in the past few days? I just want to clear the air. I want a clean slate."Jey said.

"Are you willing to forget that I kissed Damian?"

"Its a done deal. Im not threatened, dont worry."

"Then sure. We're good."

He pulled her in for a hug.

GC-Jey and Mandy

Jey-From here on out, its just gonna be you and me. Nobody else matters.

Mandy-I like the sound of that.

Jey-No exes, no family, nobody matters. Just you.

Mandy-*begins kissing him*


"You intrigue me."Liv said to Finn.

"I intrigue you? How?"he asked.

"I dont know. Theres....something about you."she smiled as she rested her elbows on the kitchen island across from where Finn was standing eating a ham sandwich.

It was around 12 am. Everyone was scattered about the house. Some in the bedroom, some in the pool, some in the living room, some in the getaway room. However, Liv and Finn were the only ones in the kitchen.

VC-Liv-I gotta admit....I still have a little thing for Finn. He was the one I was initially attracted too back on Temptation Island but then.....I got love drunk off of somebody else and I forgot all about poor little Finn. But you know what, maybe I can take this time to explore our connection because back on Temptation Island, the time we spent together was super fun! I just want to flirt my ass off, I dont care. I've been refused too many times. Im not just going to keep getting hurt and stay quiet all the time. I want to put myself out there. I deserve to get attention.

"I think its the fact that you're kinda quiet and mysterious. That's why you intrigue me."she said.

"Oh yea?"

"Its funny are this quiet person but....ive heard so many outrageous things about you."

"Like what?"

She smiled and bit her lip, "Just thinking about it has me blushing."

He giggled.

"You know what im talking about. The quiet ones are always the dangerous ones, am I right?"

"It depends on the situation but, I agree. But tell me, what did you hear? Im interested in hearing some feed back of myself."

"Lets just say, I know you're a freak. That's all."

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