Reunited And It Feels So Good

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Sasha got out of her seat and began running towards Roman who was still making his way to everyone.

VC-Sasha-I was not expecting this to happen today. Or at all. I cant believe he's here. If you would have told me this morning that Roman was going to be here I would have called you crazy.

She threw herself at him,wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist and greeted him with a long kiss as he held her.

"I cant believe you're here!"she giggled.

"I cant believe this is where we meet after so long."he said.

VC-Roman-Sasha isnt my ex, dont get it twisted. We're still together....I think. I dont know what she's been doing since she's been here but im under the impression that we're still together. Its no secret that our relationship has been rocky lately. Im sure you guys know all about it. Thats why we went on a break. But ive had enough of this break. I want to find out whats really going on because im waiting on her. Its unfair to me that I have a girlfriend but ive been feeling very single for the last few months. Im a grown ass man. Im not going to play these games.

"Sasha, why dont you introduce us?"Shawn said to her.

"Please, he doesn't need any introduction. But just for the hell of it, this is Roman and he's my man of two years."she said in a boastful way.

"Nice. Well, you two take a seat. There's something important you all should know."said Shawn, "These......are the last exes."

"Wow."said Finn.

"Good."Sasha replied.

"Thats it for exes guys. No more coming down to the beach. No more panic attacks. No more anxiety. I want you to let everyone back at the house know okay. Im going to let you guys have your alone time. Britt, we dont know where Adam took off too so you're gonna have to sit this one out. Thats all for now guys. See you all very soon. Take care."Shawn said as he dismissed them.


Becky and Finn

The pair were seen walking along the beach.

"So what trouble have you been getting up too mister?"Becky asked Finn.

He blushed, "Nothing. Ive been a good boy the entire time."

"Yea. Sure."she sarcastically said, "Have you had other exes come?"

"Yup. Two. There was an ex from way back in past named Tegan and then there was.....Peyton."

"And how did that go?"

"Erhm...Peyton and I um....we had something going on but then Sasha sent her home."

"And what's been going on with you and Sasha?"

"Nothing really. We've kept everything at a friendship level. Why'd you ask?"

"No reason."

VC-Finn-From watching past shows, ive realized that Becky was a bit insecure about Sasha and I's friendship. She said it herself that she felt like she was my rebound which is absolutely not true. I dont know how Sasha being here is going to affect her. But then again....she's hooked up with some people back at the house so...should I be insecure?

"You know...since Temptation Island we havent really talked."Becky said, "You dont hate me do you?"

"Are you crazy. Never. I never reached out to you because you said you wanted your space. I didnt want to seem clingy you know?"

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