Bring 'Em Out

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continuation of the bonfire

"You got to be kidding Roman!"Sasha yelled at Roman as she trailed behind him. He was making his way back to the SUV.

"This is what it takes? You're going to let this break us up?"she continued, "How many times have you fucked up and I always let it slide?! Roman! Talk to me!"

"Why are you even arguing? You're not happy in the relationship right? Then lets just end it!"he stopped and said.

"No! Not like this! Roman we're better than this!"

Roman got into the SUV and slammed the door shut.

"Get me the hell out of here."he said to the driver.

VC-Roman-She made it very clear to Mickie that she wasnt happy being with me anymore. I dont see the point of letting this go any further. Why fight for this if she's just going to keep acting the way she is?

"This is bullshit!"Sasha yelled as she got into her SUV and aggressively slammed the door.

VC-Sasha-Where are his clips? I dont get to see what he's been doing? You guys are going to make me the fucking bad guy here?

VC-Producer-Roman wasnt on the show prior to his arrival. We wouldnt have footage of him doing anything.

VC-Sasha-This is really unfair. He gets to judge me and see what ive been doing but I dont get to do the same? Is that why you guys wanted me on the show? To make me look like a fucking villain?

After a 15 minute drive back to the house, the SUV's pulled up in the driveway.

VC-Mickie-We dont really know what happened between Sasha and Roman. The last thing we saw here at the house was Roman telling her that they were over. We dont know what to expect when they get in here.

Finn sat anxiously at the edge of his seat.

VC-Finn-I cant help but feel like this is all my fault. I never wanted to make and enemy out of Roman but.....I think im enemy number one now.

Roman barged into the house with a visibly upset Sasha behind him.

"Roman!"Sasha pulled him by the hand, "Talk to me. Please. Lets just...figure this out okay."

"Figure what out Sasha? You got everything figured out already!"

"We can work through this! Come on! I dont want us to end. Not here. Not like this."she said through her tears.

"Could've fooled me. Ive always let you call the shots. Im calling the shots this time. Thats it. This is over."

Everyone was silent as they watched the two carry on.

"Im a grown ass man. Im done playing your games Sasha. I thought you had matured but its like you did the opposite! A fucking three month long break and I had to come here to find you on a dating show? Im the fool. I should have known better. Who the hell goes on a break for three damn months?"

"Roman its-"

"We're done Sasha. We're done. This is over. Stop pretending that you want to fix this. You dont. You're unhappy right? You're miserable right? Things aren't the same with you and I right? I heard everything that you said. I heard you loud and clear. Stop wasting my time."

Sasha broke out into tears.

As much as she wanted to argue with him about what he said, the only thing that she could do in the moment was sob.

She felt as if her world was crumbling right in front of her.

"Roman, this is all my fault."Finn stood up and said to Roman, "I think you should hear Sasha out. She did nothing, im the one to be blamed."

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