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Back at the house, the rest of the singles eagerly waited for Finn, Mandy and Dolph to return. But when they saw Dolph burst through the entrance doors alone, they were all confused.

"You didnt have an ex come?"Charlotte asked him.

"Nope. The other two did."said Dolph.

Alexa's heart sank as Seth's hopes went up.

"Who came? Who are the exes?"Mickie asked.

"Lets just say....a few familiar faces. I dont want to spoil the surprise."Dolph said as he sat down on the sofa.

VC-Alexa-It could be Becky, it could be Sasha. All I know is that if its either of those two girls...Im getting kicked to the curb. More specifically, if its Sasha, I dont want to be in any kind of love triangle with her of all people. Thats just gross. Can you imagine? Us? Fighting for the same guy? But then again...she's with Roman so my gut is telling me it could be Becky. And if it is.....then this situation is going to get a whole lot messier.


Back At The Beach

Mandy and Cesaro

Mandy and Cesaro were seen walking along the beach.

"Its been a long time since you and I were in each other's company isnt it?"Cesaro said.

"Yea. It sure has been. Can I ask...what are your intentions coming here?"

"To reconcile with you. Maybe give this another try."

Mandy laughed to herself, "Cesaro.....look, you're a wonderful man over this. What we had a few years ago in Hawaii was great but...thats going to stay in Hawaii. I feel like with you and I, history is going to repeat itself and you're going to end up getting hurt again."

Cesaro took a pause before he said, " have no interest in reconnecting?"

"Im I actually have my sight set on someone in the house already."

Cesaro nodded, "Okay. I understand. Thank you for being honest and up front with me."

She smiled, "No problem. And you have my blessings if you ever want to pursue something with any of the girls in the house okay. You're a great guy and I want you to enjoy your stay here. I dont want any bad blood between us."

"Got it."

She gave him a quick hug.

"Maybe we should head back to the house so you can get adjusted, what do you say?"she asked.

"Cant wait."

VC-Mandy-Cesaro and I are not compatible. End of story. He's not really what im looking for at this point in my life. He's too much of a nice guy.

VC-Cesaro-I like the fact that she was honest about how she felt. Now I know that I dont have to worry about working things out with her, I can focus on myself and try to have a good time while im here.

Peyton and Finn

Peyton and Finn were seen sitting on the sand together.

"You seemed really shocked to see me."Peyton said to him.

"I am really shocked to see you. Its been forever since we crossed paths."

"It has. And...I missed us."

Finn twisted his mouth, "I dont understand. What happened with Tye?"

"We broke up. Tye got a new job somewhere that required him to be gone for the majority of the week. Sometimes we would only be able to see each other about four or five times a month. It became frustrating and I couldnt put up with it anymore so, we ended things. Our careers got in the way basically."

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