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The Next Day-Day 19

It was around the middle of the day. The house was calm. Almost peaceful even. Most of the housemates were up but, they moved about like zombies. Typical hangover behaviour after a wild night of partying.

"Why is there clothes in the pool?"Charlotte asked as she was looking out at the pool through the window.

"Some people went skinny dipping last night."Mickie informed her.

"You're kidding."she responded, "Who went skinny dipping?"

"Mandy, Jey, Lana, Bobby, Liv, Angel, Carmella, Damian. And apparently Angel was having a little three way make out session with Liv and Carmella."

"Im not surprised. He probably felt like the king of the world. Good for him."


Alexa was seen in the kitchen making two cups of coffee.

VC-Producer-Do you remember what happened last night?

VC-Alexa-Yea. I wasnt that drunk. Im officially off the market now *smiles* Adam's my boyfriend.

Someone nudged her from behind. She turned around to find-

"Hey partner."said Becky.

She smiled, "Hey."

VC-Becky-Alexa and I have a bit of history as well. We were partners on The Challenge and I think she ended up developing a little crush on me. We were originally paired as Rivals because we did dislike each other in the past but during our time working together we kept on growing closer and closer and we formed an unlikely friendship.

"Its almost like you didnt know I was here."she said to Alexa.

"No, I knew you were here but, I was so busy yesterday dealing with ex girlfriend drama and then the party and all that."

"So how you been?"Becky asked as she propped herself on the counter.

"Ive been alright."

"I see you got a new bae."

Alexa blushed, "Yup."

VC-Producer-Did you ever have feelings for Becky?

VC-Alexa-Um.....yea I think. I dont know. The whole thing was such a blur.

VC-Producer-Did you guys hook up?

VC-Alexa-We.....did. Look, back then I was newly single and....I was just all over the place. Becky was basically my best friend in that house. Us being in a team together made us bond. It was literally her and I against everybody else.

VC-Producer-Are those feelings still there?

VC-Alexa-Do I still want to maintain a friendship with her? Of course. But that's it.

"I hope nothing's going to be weird between us or anything like that."Becky said to her.

"Why would it be weird?"

"You know, because of our history-"

"We can just....forget about that. Pretend it didn't happen."

"Sure. If thats what you want. But I know deep down inside you can never really forget about that night right?"

Alexa blushed.

"Why are you blushing?"Becky asked.

"No reason."she smiled, "I gotta go take this coffee to Adam. See you around I guess."

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