Welcome To The Party

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"I think we all deserve a drink tonight."said Lana as she and everyone else were gathered around the kitchen island.

They had just returned to the house from the Cut or Crush ceremony.

Jey was in the process of filling 15 shot glasses up with Tequila.

VC-Lana-Rusev is gone and the house feels so much better already. Finally, I can breathe again.

"Im curious to know, who gave Rusev cuts?"Lana asked.

Seth raised his hand.

"I did too." Said Dolph, "You begged me so I figured why not?"

"You guys are my favorite people. Thank you so much! I owe you big time."

"Well while we're at it, can I ask who cut me?"said Zelina.

Mandy evilly smirked as she grabbed her shot glass.

"Two people in here clearly got a problem with me. Just be upfront about it. I dont got a problem here with anyone. Im not in anyone's business, why am I being targeted?"

"That doesnt matter baby, just take your shot." Jey said, handing her a shot glass.

"I'm serious though. Dont be cowards, if you voted for me I wanna know."

"I voted for you sweetie. What are you gonna do about it?" Mandy confessed.

"Im not surprised at all. What is your problem with me? Since I came here you've been walking around with a stick up your ass-"

"My problem is that you're getting in my way!"

"Your way of what? Your way of what?" Zelina stepped closer to her, "Are you really trying to get with the whole family? His brother didnt want you, his cousin didnt want you, after he refuses you who's next, his father?"

Mandy amusingly laughed.

"Thirsty aint a good look on you hun." Zelina said.

Mandy threw her shot in Zelina's face.

Immediately Zelina pounced on her, grabbing two fists full of Mandy's hair.

"Zelina! Stop!" Alexa cried out.

Jey quickly stopped what he was doing to pull Zelina away.

Even though Jey had her over his shoulder, she refused to let go of Mandy's hair.

"You fucking bitch!"Mandy screamed.

Charlotte was seen moving the bottle of Tequila to prevent it from being knocked to the ground. Mandy and Zelina could fight all they want, just as long as the alcohol was safe.

Mandy was able to connect a couple slaps to Zelina's face.

Dolph and Alexa went inbetween the two in attempts to desescalte the situation.

Finally Zelina let go and Jey began carrying her outside.


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