The Boy Is Mine

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Charlotte was seen getting her nails done by Nia. Now and again she would look across the room to where Renee and Cody was.

The two were seen sitting on the sofa having a jolly ol' conversation that included lots of laughter and giggling.

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

VC-Charlotte-So ive noticed that since last night during the party, Renee and Cody have been hanging out a lot. Fast forward to right now, they're still hanging out. Im trying not to be bothered because Cody and I....we really dont have that much of a romantic attraction to each other any more. I love him but...more of in a friendly way. And im sure he feels the same because he hasnt tried to put the moves on me since he's gotten here. It kinda sucks because now its back to square one for me.

"Are you angry at the fact they're hanging out though?"Nia asked.

"No. Im a little bothered but its not something thats going to make me go out of my way to cause drama."

"I thought home girl was going to be happy that Cesaro was here. She has the freedom to do whatever the hell she wants with him. But its like she's pushing him to the side now."said Nia.

"Its Renee, what do you expect."

"Okay but...can you imagine yourself having sex with Cody at this point?"

"No....I literally cant. Its like, we've known each other for so long. We've been together but that was years ago. We were different back then. I see him as more of a really good friend."

"Well I guess Renee can have him right?"

"By all means."

"Poor Cesaro."

VC-Cody-I came here with the intention to see where things with Charlotte could go but....I think our romantic spark died out a long time ago. But for the while im enjoying getting to know Renee. Im interested to see where this could go. I think she's great.

The front door to the house creaked open. Liv ran to see who it was.

Meekishly making his way inside was Seth.

"HE'S BACK GUYS!"Liv yelled.

Seth groaned. He really wasn't in the mood to face anyone.

A swarm of people ran up to him to welcome him back and also interrogate him. A few people that was not a part of that swarm was Adam, Alexa and Paige.

Everyone almost seemed like annoying paparazzi bombarding him.

"Alright guys, I was just gone for like 12 hours. Calm down."Seth said.

"While you were gone, something arrived here for you."Jey told him.

"Something came here for me?"

Seth looked around. He noticed two new faces.

"Oh, we got new people?"he said, "Kaitlyn, nice to see you. You,"he gestured to Montez, "Never seen you in my life but nice to see you as well."

Someone then came up from behind and covered his eyes with their hands.

"Who is this? Did I get an ex?"He asked.

When the person removed their hands, he turned to find Nikki.

"Surprise surprise."she said.

He was taken aback.

"Woah. Oh my god."he chuckled as he pulled her in for a hug.

VC-Seth-Really guys? Now is not the best time for me to have an ex show up.

"I heard that you've been getting into a lot of trouble lately."she said to him.

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