Cut Or Crush Ceremony 4

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VC-Liv-The night was still young so, we all decided to play a bit of drunken spin the bottle. I mean, what else are you gonna do when you're in a house filled with hot people?

A bunch of the housemates were seen sitting in a circle on the floor, surrounding an empty beer bottle.

The circle consisted of Finn, Paige, Damian, Nia, Montez, Charlotte, Angel, Renee, Cesaro, Kaitlyn, Dolph, Bianca, John, Mickie and Cody.

So far, some of the pairs that kissed already were:
-Renee and Angel
-Cesaro and Mickie
-Kaitlyn and Finn
-Bianca and Cody
-Liv and Finn
-Nia and Montez
-Charlotte and Cesaro

Montez took a spin of the bottle. It landed on Bianca.

VC-Montez-Ooo just who I was hoping for!

They both leaned over and shared a very steamy, tongue-filled kiss.

Everybody cheered them on.

"Thats for holding me back today."Bianca said when she pulled away.

Montez's eyes widened in excitement.

VC-Montez-It could be the liquor getting to me but....I think I just found wifey.

"Sasha! Sasha!"Liv called out to Sasha as she walked by, "Take a spin!"

Sasha approached the circle.

"Spin the bottle?"she asked.

"Come on, take a spin!"Liv invited.

"You guys...."she hesitated.

But, somehow somewhere, she built up the courage. It was just a dumb game after all.

She stooped down next to Paige and spun the bottle. It landed on Dolph.

"Ugh."Sasha frowned.

"Ugh? You should be happy."Dolph said.

She leaned in and gave him a quick peck before she ran off.

"That was very underwhelming!"Dolph yelled.

"When is this going to end?" Charlotte asked.

"Until someone scores tonight!" Liv said.

"Well I dont know about you guys but im scoring tonight. "Nia said as she nudged Damian.

"Please score in the Getaway room. I want a good nights rest tonight."Said Charlotte.

"Liv, you and I can cut this game short right now and go score ourselves if you know what I mean."said Dolph.

Liv smiled.

VC-Dolph-Liv is drop dead gorgeous. Come on, I didnt need to say it. I got my eye on her. I think her and I would look great together.

VC-Liv-Dolph has been giving off flirtatious vibes and....I dunno, I kinda like it. My heart belongs to someone else but.....I dont mind playing with him a little.

"What is this, spin the bottle?" Mandy asked as she approached the group.

"Yea! Take a spin." Liv offered.

VC-Mandy-Im still so frustrated from the argument Jey and I had earlier. I want to do something that'll piss him off. He's been pissing me off since day one! Now its my turn. Let me see where his head is at.

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