One Call Away

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Everyone was seen filing back into the EOTB house after the Cut or Crush Ceremony was over.

"I think we need to talk Alexa."Adam said to Alexa as they both were walking to the bedroom.

"About what?"

"You know about what."

She sighed as she walked over to her bed.

"What went on between you and S-"

"Can you not talk about that right now?" she harshly said.

"Did you really say you wanted to be with him?"

She grabbed some makeup wipes and began taking off her makeup, ignoring Adam's question.

"Alexa..."Adam called out.

"Listen! I'll talk about it when im ready okay. I cannot deal with this right now. Everybody seems to always have something to say to me or something to ask me and-I literally cant take it anymore." she ranted, "I just want my time alone."

Adam folded his arms.

VC-Adam-Alexa, I love you brought this upon yourself. You're stressed out because of you. Did you really expect things to run smoothly when you're trying to juggle both me and Seth? She is confusing the hell out of me and, I need answers before I move forward.

Adam respected her wishes and left her to herself.

I guess there wont be any cuddling tonight.


VC-Charlotte-So its like 12am, most of us are in the bedroom. Some of us are already asleep. Im trying to go to sleep. But....I cant because Nia.....seems to be having too much fun.

Charlotte was kept awake by Nia and Damian's quiet chatter and laughter. At this moment, she regretted having her bed next to Nia's.

VC-Nia-Im not going to lie, Damian and I have been heating up recently *laughs* This is so exciting.

The cameras switched to the bedroom surveillance cameras.

It showed Nia and Damian both submerged under the covers, head to toe. They seemed to be in a spooning position as they were making out.

Soon after it appeared that Damian was now getting on top of Nia.

Just when Charlotte was thankful that the laughter and the talking had died down, she began hearing moans and little cries.

"Are you kidding me right now?"Charlotte muttered.

She looked around to see if anybody else was being annoyed by the noise like she was but Alexa, Renee, Cesaro, Finn, Mandy, Jey and Adam were all dead asleep.

VC-Charlotte-Theres literally a room in this house just to have sex. Why do they have to do that in here?

As the noises got a little louder and became a lot more obvious as to what they were doing, Charlotte got out of her bed, grabbed her pillow and headed into the Getaway Room by herself. Luckily and surprisingly, it was empty.


Day 14

Day 14

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