One Versus Three

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That Same Night

"Okay, fuck, marry, kill, any three guys in the house."Sonya asked Sasha.

Since she arrived, Sasha and alot of the other house mates hadnt stopped binge drinking. The only ones not drinking at the moment were Alexa, Seth and Cesaro because they were fast asleep already.

"Hmmm....marry....Finn because he'd be the perfect husband. Fuck....Seth because...why not? And kill Randy."

"You're not the only one that wants to kill Randy." Nia commented.

"We can team up." Sasha offered.

"The more brutality the better."

VC-Nia-I've been thinking about what went on with Randy and long are we going to keep ignoring each other? Even though we're not speaking theres still that awkward tension between us. Its like a block of ice. Randy meant so much to me and even though he basically tore my heart to shreds....I want to clear the air with him. We need to have a serious one on one conversation and really sort everything out. It could even be our very last conversation. The point is, we need closure and we need to move on.

"Can I have a minute with you?"Nia walked up to Randy and asked.

He was a bit taken by surprise but he agreed.

She led him out to the balcony where they were alone.

"You're not gonna push me over the railing are you?"he asked.

"I just might so you better watch what you say."

He chuckled.

"So..."she sighed, "Listen, I feel like we need to hash things out once and for all. The bottom line fucked up. You cheated throughout our relationship and you played me like a fool. Why? Why did you do it?"

He shifted uncomfortably, "Like I said Nia....I thought you were just going to leave like all the other girls did. I didnt think it was as serious as it was."

"Randy-we were living together, how did you not think it was serious?"

"I-I dont know okay. I dont know. I was just so used to being that way. It was a bad habit that I had to break."

VC-Randy-Ive spent a lot of time by myself so far in the house and....ive been doing some reflecting. Not like there's anything else to do. But yea, ive had some time alone with my thoughts. The voices in my head were kind of counseling me and helping me understand why ive been doing the things I have. Ive come to realize that im just a straight up douchebag. I cheat because I dont like saying no. Its not like I didnt love Nia, I did. But when opportunities present themselves to me, I take it. Its exciting. Trust me when I say its a tough habit to break.

"I want to change."he said.

"You said that to me at the beginning of our relationship."

"I know. But, im serious."

"Randy, you dont have a cheating problem because when you love someone, you dont care about anybody else. Stop acting like you cant control it. I could have cheated on you multiple times but I didnt. Because I didnt care for them. Nobody could have ever compared to you. You need to stop mistaking the feelings in your dick for the feeling in your heart. And then you wanted to say you still loved me? That wasnt love Randy. I loved you but you didnt feel the same about me. I was just a fool in love all this time."

"If I didnt love you I would have never agreed for us to be living together. Nia, you were the most serious relationship that ive had in years. You cant deny that there was passion there. We almost had a kid together, you think I would just do that with anyone?"

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