Cut Or Crush Ceremony 2

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Continuation of the same night

"I swear, ive only been here for a literal day and im losing my mind already." Sasha angrily said as she marched into the kitchen, "I need a drink."

"Forget about them. You know the kind of girls they are." said Mickie.

"No but im always the bad guy, Mickie! I was miserable on Temptation Island being without Roman. But Roman was living it up! He was getting lap dances, girls were throwing themselves at him. No one said a damn thing! But when im trying to finally enjoy my time alone, im being judged left, right and center! If I had only known Jey and Nia were here I wouldnt have come."she ranted.

"Look, dont let them get to you. Who cares what they have to say? You know where you stand with Roman and that's whats most important. Let them judge. Dont forget that you're the legit boss okay. They aint worth your time. Continue being unapologetically you."

Sasha downed all of her drink in one go. She reached her arms out to give Mickie a hug in which Mickie complied.

"Thanks for being here for me." Sasha said.

"Anytime any day baby girl."


"She really thought she was going to be acting this loose in front of  me and expected me to have nothing to say? She must not know who I am." Nia said as she and everyone else was still in the pool.

"She needs to chill. Like literally."said Mandy.

"She shouldnt even be here if you ask me."said Jey.

VC-Nia-Sasha, im not trying to rain on your parade but oh my god, use your common sense. Think about how this is going to look when it airs. If you care about your relationship at all then you shouldn't be doing shit like this. If Roman was here in person seeing the things you've been doing then I wouldnt have had anything to say. But he's not. He's completely blind to all of this and im not going to let anyone shit all over him and disrespect him like that.


The Next Day

VC-Adam-So, yesterday Alexa and I was spending a lot of time together, enjoying each other's company. Then all of a sudden, she ups and leaves. She said she was coming back but....she ended up on Seth's bed somehow.......This-this is going to be a lot more annoying than I thought.

"Morning Lex." Adam said as he gave Alexa a kiss on the cheek.

The fact that she was sitting next to Seth at the dining table having breakfast didn't phase him at all.

Boldly, he pulled a chair and joined them.


"Hope im not interrupting."

Seth made a confused face.

"I have avocado toast, do you want any?" She offered him.

"Sure." He said as he took one of her toast.

"Seth made it." She said.

He took a bite, "Hm....I could do better."

"Damn, its a little early to start spreading negative energy, don't you think Lex?" Seth sarcastically asked.

Alexa smiled. She didnt know what to say.

"You know, you and I have never formally introduced ourselves to each other." Adam said to Seth.

"And do you think right now is the greatest time to do that?"

"Why not? Im Adam."he put his hand out for Seth to shake.

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