More Exes, More Problems

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"Well dont you look shocked to see me."Adam said to Alexa as he walked over to Shawn.

She blushed.

"I expected a little more excitement."Adam added.

"And why's that Adam?"Shawn asked.

"Because Alexa and I are on great terms."

VC-Adam-You guys may know me from Temptation Island. I was the guy Alexa dumped her boyfriend for. But then, Alexa and I didnt really work out because......I had a girlfriend back home-which in my defense! I was going to break up with her. We're officially broken up now.  Anyway, after that, Alexa and I eventually reconnected through texts. We talked things through and we were on a good note. We still are in my opinion. Not in a relationship yet but we got a lot closer. But, my intentions here is to get her to be mine. Im in love with the girl. Its time we seal the deal.

Alexa got up and gave him a hug. He embraced her tightly as if to say 'I missed you'.

VC-Alexa-*facepalms* Ugh.......I.......Oh my gosh.....things are going to get complicated now.

Deep inside she was glad to see Adam show up. The reason she didnt show it was because at the sight of him all she could have thought about was 'what am I going to do with Seth'.

"Well guys, it seems like all of you have a lot of catching up to do so, im going to take my exit."Said Shawn, "You guys are going to get some time alone to talk and clear the air. Got it? Good. Oh and one more thing, let the others know that we're going to be having another Cut or Crush ceremony coming up very soon okay? See you guys. Take care."


Lana and Angel

"This is for you." Angel handed Lana a rose as they walked along the beach.

She smelled it, "Aww I love it. You're still as charming as ever I see."

He flashed his pearly whites at her.

VC-Lana-Angel and I had a lot of fun together when we were dating. He was actually the first man I got together with after the divorce. Angel is amazing but...all he was to me was a fun time. I never really took what we had seriously. We're both very similar in the sense that we're very flirty and free spirited. Im happy to see him but my heart belongs to my Bobby.

"So how long have you been single?"she asked him.

"Basically all my life id say. I messed around with girls here and there. Ive been taking girls on dates. But I never truly let it reach that serious stage."

"Why not? Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"You're right. But would I be lucky enough to have my dream girl?"

"Who's that?"

"She's walking right beside me."

Lana placed her hand over her heart.

"Aww Angel."she cooed.

She stopped walking to give him a hug.

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