Crush Ceremony pt 2

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"Alright Seth, you're up."said Shawn.

Seth got out of his seat and walked up to Shawn. He took the Crush Necklace and held it in his hands.

"Seth, I know it hasnt been easy for you these past few weeks. Overall, how has this experience been for you?"

"You know....I could have done without all the unnecessary drama and pain. This show made me....never want to love again. It made me realize that not everyone has good intentions. I cant help but blame myself for some of the things that happened. Im not as trusting as I was before and I know I have every right to be."

"So Seth, will you be leaving here with your next, your ex or...yourself."

"Shawn, im tired of always being toyed with. Its exhausting honestly. I dont know why it always happens to me. Maybe its just my luck. I want to do things on my own terms now. Im done putting myself out there. When im in love...I always put that person first. I think I deserve the same in return. Nikki, I love you, thank you for helping me get through this show. If it wasnt for you I probably would have left. But for my mental well being....I got to give this necklace to myself."

"Its alright Seth."Nikki replied with a sympathetic smile.

He unhooked the necklace and draped it around his neck.

"Well Seth. This is it man, this is goodbye. Thanks for being a part of the show. Take care. Have a safe trip home."said Shawn.

"Sure thing Shawn."he said as he proceeded to walk off set.

Before he exited, he stopped to give Nikki one last hug. After he hugged her and quietly said his goodbyes, he went over to Paige. It was only right for him to bid farewell to his exes.

She got out of her seat so he can properly give her a hug.

"See you around alright. Take care of yourself."he said as they were in each other's arms.

She nodded. She couldn't respond because of how choked up she was getting.

After a few more seconds in each other's arms, Seth took his exit.

VC-Seth-I dont really know what to say I experience here went from zero to one hundred then back to zero. Im tired. Im tired of it all. I need to stop running back to the girls that hurt me. I need to start fresh. Maybe I should join Tinder, who knows. But I realized that I keep suffering because I keep making the same mistakes. I gotta make a change.

"Paige, Nikki, this also brings your time here to an end. Take care ladies."

"Thank you for having me Shawn."said Nikki as she got up from her seat.

VC-Nikki-I cant be mad at Seth. All I can do is support him. He knows that im always there for him no matter what. In a way, I did get closure from him. At least I know that him and I still have a lot of love for each other and that we'll always be there to pick each other up when we're down.

VC-Paige-Seth has been a very important character in my life these past few years. We have a bond that is unbreakable. Even when we ourselves try to break it, its unbreakable. I dont think our story is anywhere close to ending. I know I got to be patient. I got to wait for him like he has been waiting for me.

"Mandy, you're up."

"Oh boy."she said as she got up from her seat.

"Well, as I can see, you have no exes remaining."said Shawn.

"You're wrong Shawn. I got one here. He may not have come here as my ex but he is one now."

Jey shook his head.

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