Oh, What A Night

415 26 94

Continuation of the same day/night

After everyone had found out that Roman, Becky and Britt were the last exes of the show, they all decided to celebrate by having none other than a house party.

VC-Mandy-No more exes, no more drama. I dont have to worry about anybody else coming in here and trying to get between me and Jey. We can ride it out peacefully now. Im so relieved. Im ready to take on the world with him.

Before I tell you how it got to this:


-"You both are trash. You deserve each other."Carmella said as she walked out the room.

-"Did you really just slap him!?"Nikki asked.

"What the hell are you going to do about it Nikki? What?"Paige yelled.

-"I just know that you're full of shit. Everything about you is so full of shit."Adam said to AJ.

Lets start from the beginning shall we?


9:03 PM

Instead of having the party indoors, they brought it outdoors to the pool area this time. The house was packing 30+ people so they needed all the room they could get.

The theme of the party tonight was 'Underwater Magic Kingdom' thanks to Liv. Everyone was seen dressed as either mermaids, mermen and then there was John who was simply wearing an oversized shark costume.

"Johnny Shark doo doo doo doo, Johnny Shark doo doo doo doo!"he and Dolph sang and danced.

Everyone was scattered about the backyard donning body glitter, colorful wigs and underwater themed props.

GC-Nia, Alexa, Mandy, Liv

Nia-I think the show is coming to an end so fuck it *takes shot* lets get wild tonight.

Alexa-You always get wild.

Nia-No we're going all out tonight bitches. I wanna wake up with a horrible ass hangover tomorrow.

Liv-Cheers to that.

Nothing but good vibes were in the air as everyone drank and danced under the moonlight. All the tension in the house seemed to temporarily disappear.

The producers even went as far as having a little photoshoot set up for the housemates so they can have their photos taken throughout the night.

"Cheers!"Mandy, Liv, Alexa, Lana and Nia all shouted as they clinked shot glasses.

A slow motion montage began playing showing some people dirty dancing, downing drinks like camels in the desert, taking group photos. Damian was seen pushing Sammy into the pool. Liv cheered.

VC-Renee-Its just all around positive energy tonight, everyone's dancing with everyone, everyone's drinking, everyone's just having fun and its great. I know a good thing doesnt last too long especially in an environment like this but as of now, everyone's having a ball. I think its fair to say that we're all going to have hangovers tomorrow.

Charlotte came into view as she had her arms around Montez's neck. Their bodies moved in sync with each other to the music.

VC-Montez-Aight Charlotte, I see you girl. We can keep this going. You're wearing heels so you're a little taller than me right now but thats alright. I aint intimidated.

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