Truth Ceremony pt 2

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"Charlotte, Sonya, Cody, Renee. Step up to the pineapple."said Shawn. The four did as was told.

"Charlotte, you were you want to be in a relationship with Cody. You The lie detector test determined were telling the truth."

"I think we're better off as friends."she said.

"You were also you still love Sonya? You The lie detector test determined were telling the truth."

Charlotte gave a confident, slow nod.

"So....why did we have sex an hour ago then?"Sonya asked.

"Just because we had sex doesnt mean I love you. Dont confuse those things for being the same. Thanks for your service by the way."Charlotte replied.

Sonya raised her eyebrows.

" were asked, are you ready to commit to Charlotte? You answered, yes. The lie detector test determined were telling the truth."

"Too late."Charlotte commented.

"Sonya, you were also asked, are you over your ex Arianna? You answered yes. The lie detector test determined that....that was a lie."

"Obviously."said Charlotte.

"Renee, this question is for you. You were asked, did you ever really love Dean? You answered, yes. The lie detector test determined that that was...."

The pineapple didn't change color

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The pineapple didn't change color.

"The pineapple remained transparent. That means Renee, your answer was inconclusive meaning, the lie detector test itself wasn't sure if you were telling the truth."

"Damn. Thats next level."said Montez.

VC-Renee-I know that I answered truthfully. I dont think we should rely on some machine to tell us whats true or not.

"Cody, you were asked, are you interested in taking things further with Renee. You answered.....yes. The lie detector test determined were telling the truth."

Renee smiled.

"Renee, you were asked if you were interested in a relationship with Cody outside of the house. You answered....yes. The lie detector test determined were telling the truth. Thats all the questions we have for this group. Charlotte, Cody, it seems like you both have come to a mutual understanding. I think its fair to say that Cody is not your next, right?"

"No. But we'll remain good friends for sure."

"Well, I think the score is already settled between you two so....Cody, this ends your time here on Ex On The Beach."

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